Hon Chemistry 10-24-12 Empirical & Molecular Formula Review

HON CHEMISTRY: I was really impressed today with the progress you’ve made on mastering empirical and molecular formulas! Here’s the short review that we did on #40 and 52.

Are you starting to catch on to the steps? It will be good for you to memorize the steps, but would it not be just tons better to understand why you need each step – backwards and forwards, so then you wouldn’t need to memorize them at all!

Did you get the message that you need to do a pre-write for your lab tomorrow? Title, objective, procedure, and blank data table.

flickr photo by Darwin Bell

Chemistry 10-24-12 Oxidation Numbers

CHEMISTRY: One man’s rust is another student’s lesson in chemistry! From Wednesday – here’s the lecture on oxidation numbers. Now go out and apply them! Need help? Don’t forget the practice at sciencegeek.net. Go to sciencegeek.net. And don’t forget, help session Friday morning at 7:15ish A.M.

UPDATE: We are not doing the lab until Friday! My bad!! The lab write-up is Thursday night’s HW and is due on Friday. Sorry about that!!

Good luck studying for the polyatomic ion quiz on Friday, but is that good enough? What about the test Tuesday? For that you need to have memorized (and be able to use!!): polyatomic ions, monatomic ions (but you can get these off the periodic table), acids, prefixes, the chemical names and formulas of common substances, and the oxidation rules.

That’s a lot, but you can do it! And make double dog sure you are working hard at memorizing it all now!!

Image source: FreeFoto.com, Photographer: Ian Britton