Physics 10-29-12 Equilibrium Problems & Intro to Newton’s 2nd Law

PHYSICS: So an object at rest can be at equilibrium, but what about an object that is moving? And how does equilibrium relate to Newton’s first law? Or Newton’s second law? And what if you don’t have balanced forces. Here’s the lecture from Monday on just that! Now remind me, net forces produce what?

Photo: Joe Armao

Honors Chemistry 10-29-12 Chapter 7 Test Review

HONORS CHEMISTRY: Do you feel like you are starting to go a little crazy? Lots and lots to be responsible for in this chapter, huh? God bless you as you study for the test! Here’s the overview of the test that we did today. Also, did you find the Chapter 7 Stuff to Know sheet on Edline? Click here on the name, if you need one. I know it seems like a lot, but you can do it! (Remember that you don’t have to know diatomic molecules for the test, just for the future.)

First priority – make sure that you have memorized EVERYTHING. Then, go to and make sure you can write and name chemical formulas. Practice, practice, practice!!! Then start practicing the different kinds of problems – do at least three of each one of them. And also try those on That’s always some good practice. Good luck – I’ll be praying for you! You can do it!!

flickr photo by libraryman


Chemistry 10-29-12 Chapter 7, Pt 1 Overview

CHEMISTRY: How are you doing in studying for the chapter 7 – Part 1 test? Is there something you need help on knowing how to do? Go back and watch the vodcasts from that lecture – this will be like having me sit beside you and teach you all over again! Very good way to study – practice with me as I go along!! (BTW – don’t forget that I added laughing gas to list of chemicals to know for the test. It is dintrogen monoxide, or nitrogen (I) oxide.)

One of the best ways to study is practice! But how will you know if your answers are correct? A great way to practice correctly is to go to! Three sections in Unit 3 would be very helpful: Writing Compound Formulas #1, Binary Covalent Nomenclature, and Writing Compound Formulas #2.

A great resource for knowing what will be on your Part 1 test is this updated Chapter 7, Pt 1: Stuff to Know & Know How to Do sheet. Wow! I know it seems like a lot to memorize, but you can do it!

First priority of things to know how to do – make sure you can write and name chemical formulas!!! Practice, practice, practice! Then start on oxidation numbers. You can do it! I believe in you!! And I’ll be praying for you! 🙂

flickr photo by pierre pouliquin
