Chemistry 2-22-24 Stoichiometry & Limiting Reactants

CHEMISTRY: So if you have 11 roller wheels, how many roller blade skates can you make? You know, really, limiting reactant is almost that simple. Well, the concept is anyway! You deal with limiting reactants in your life all the time. Now we’re just applying that same concept with chemical reactions! 🙂

Here’s our lesson from Thursday on limiting reactants. Fun times!

flickr photo by muffytyrone

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    44 thoughts on “Chemistry 2-22-24 Stoichiometry & Limiting Reactants

    1. I would rate myself a 4.8/5 for last chapter. I wouldn’t say I was perfect, but I really understood the material and was very satisfied with my grade on the test.

    2. For the last chapter I would rate myself a 3/5 I understood the concepts pretty well, but I still need to continue practicing and I was happy with my test grade.

    3. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because I feel really good about the limiting reactants and how to figure them out in a word problem. I also feel really good about mole to mole and gram to gram problems!

    4. I would rate myself a 1/5 this week. This is because I have not been paying attention and I don’t completely understand the new chemistry lesson we learned.

      • I would rate myself this week a 4/5 because the limited reactants are really easy and it’s basically just reapplying all the knowledge and tips about the Q formula. Felt really prepared for it and it came second nature.

    5. For the last chapter I would rate myself a 4/5. I am understood the material pretty well. I am fairly satisfied with grade I made on the test and over all did well. In this chapter I will push to do my work like I did in the previous chapter in hoping to do well again.

    6. I would rate himself a 4/5 for this chapter so far. I feel like I have understood the material and have been able to do i fairly easily. I have also bben paying more attention in class.

    7. I would rate myself a 4.5/5 for this chapter because it makes sense to me and I think I am doing a good job of applying the rules I’ve learned. I think if there is anything I could improve on it would be to just get a little faster at comprehending the instructions so that labs don’t take as long but I definitely think that I am doing better and better everyday.

    8. I would rate myself a 4/5 I payed attention in class which helped me know the material better but I need to make more time for homework

    9. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this chapter. I knew the material well and I completed all my assignments, but I was not satisfied with my score on the test.

    10. I rate myself a 4/5 for this chapter. I am applying myself while learning equations and I actually understand what I am doing.

    11. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this chapter. The information is coming to me pretty easily and I’m u restarting what are doing in class. I just need to stay focused and remember to do all of my work to stay this way.

    12. I rate myself a 4/5. I did really well with paying attention in class and participating, so when I got home I did really well on all my homework. But I need to remember to read over labs at home.

    13. On this chapter I rate myself 4/5. I understand the materials we are learning, and I have taken my time and understood our homework assignments.

    14. On this chapter i rate myself a 4/5. I understood the material pretty well and In this chapter i’ll do my best to fully understand and apply my knowledge. I have taken time to do my homework and to understand it.

    15. This week I would rate myself a 3/5 because I understood the material pretty well but sometimes I would struggle on some of the problems.

    16. I would rate myself a 3/5 stars for this chapter, since I am able to be able to grasp the concepts of stoichiometry. I feel like I could’ve done better with relying more on my notes for my homework.

    17. So far, I would rate myself a 4/5 on this chapter. I have a pretty firm grasp on the concepts. I also feel as though I’ve been having more fun with it than other chapters. However, I’m not perfect and I have made some mistakes and have been movingly slowly doing homework. I could improve upon that aspect.

    18. I rate myself a 4/10 on the last chapter. I did good on the quizzes and decent on the test and took good notes, but I could have done better studying and preparing.

    19. I would rate myself a 4/5 for the last chapter I understood the lesson and I did a better job studying for my quizzes and tests

    20. For last chapter I would give myself a 5/5 because I understood everything really well, and did really good on the test.

    21. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this chapter. I choose a 4 because I understand how to do it and I am able to get all of my homework problems right.

    22. I would rate myself a 3/5 for last chapter, I thought I had a good grasp on what we learned but I got a low b on the test. I was really confident and thought I’d get a star.

    23. I would rate myself a 5/5 for this chapter. I would say that this chapter is one that I have learned mush faster and in a better way.

    24. This week I would rate myself a 4. I understood the assignment and did most of my homework. I could of used more time paying attention

    25. So far, I would rate myself about a 4/5. My study habits have improved, although my test taking skills still need a bit of improvement.

    26. I would rate myself a 4/5. I feel like I did pretty well on catching in really quickly especially since I was absent for a few days of class.

    27. I would rate myself a 4/5. I felt like I understood everything in this chapter. I payed better attention in class this week, but i could do better.

    28. I would rate myself 4/5 on the last chapter, I understood it very well. I also got a good grade on the test. I will continue working this way and getting similar grades in the future.

    29. I would give myself 3 out of 5. I feel I have been paying attention class and have been putting good effort into my homework.

    30. I would give myself 3 out of 5. I feel I have been paying attention class and have been putting good effort into my homework. I think by the end of the week I will be prepared for the test or quiz.

    31. I wanted to reflect on this week and the progress I’ve made in chemistry class. I would rate my week a solid 4 out of 5. I’ve been trying to participate in class discussions, completing assignments on time, and seeking extra help from peers and your website when needed. Chemistry has always been a challenging subject for me, but I feel progress overall.

    32. I rate myself a 3/5 on the last chapter I kinda understood it but not completely my test score was still bad but it improved some compared to normal. I will do better by paying more attention and asking more questions.

    33. I would rate myself a 2/5 on the last chapter. I understood the concept and kept up on on my homework, but it did not reflect my test score. I hope the knowledge I learned on the last chapter will help with the chapter were on right now.

    34. I would rate myself a 3/5 for the last chapter. This is because I felt like I understood the main idea, but I did bad on the test. I will solve this by practicing more problems before the test and by studying more consistently.

    35. I would rate myself a 2/5 on this last chapter. Because I think I am capable of understanding the material more and also studying more for the test. I’m going to solve this by applying myself more

    36. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this chapter because I caught on quite well for learning stoichiometry in class, but now I need to apply it on my homework, quizzes, and test.

    37. This week I have triumphed in listening and understanding percent yield. I triumphed in it because I really think that it was an easy lesson because I understand it well.

    38. This week I triumphed by learning how to do the problems well. I’ve made sure to listen and pay active attention during class. I have also been focusing on learning to do the problems and not just learning how to do them with Mrs. Skinner. This has made me do very well on homework.

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