Physics 2-12-24 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

PHYSICS: Wait! There’s a fourth law? Yep – Newton’s law of universal gravitation! So when you jump off of something, the Earth moves, huh?

You’ve learned little g, now you know big G! Good job setting up the problems, also make sure you can apply the concepts.

Ready to escape? 🙂

Physics 2-10-16 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 2-12-24 Isotopes & Average Atomic Mass

HON CHEMISTRY: Isn’t God awesome to give us minds to understand the world around us – even the parts we can’t see!

Today we talk about isotopes and calculating average atomic mass. Make sure you practice all the ways to write nuclear symbols. Also make sure you can use them to determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc., AND be sure you can use the formula to find average atomic mass!

Here are some answers for tonight’s homework:

#19) 39.95 u
#20) 10.00 u
#34) 9 x 10^12 more dense

Can you believe atoms are that small – and the nucleus even waaaaaay smaller! The thumbnail is a picture of atoms from the IBM Almaden Research Center. These are iron atoms on top of copper. Being able to move atoms around like this was a giant leap in the field of nanotechnology! (Sorry about that, bad pun! 🙂 )

Image source IBM Almaden Research Center