Physics 10-31-22 Friction & Normal Force & Forces at an Angle

PHYSICS: Why don’t things that are moving just keep moving? And then what happens to your applied force when you pull or push something at an angle?

Super important to remember – it’s not forces, but net forces that produce acceleration. So this means there are a couple of different ways to look at Fnet – a whole made up of parts and something that produces accelerations. Good stuff!

Another good reminder – you can find Ff a couple of different ways – it’ll be part of a net force equation and can be found from the coefficient of friction equation. If and ONLY if your object is moving at a constant velocity, Ff will equal Fa. Fn is only sometimes equal to Fw. If your object is pulled at any angle (or pushed), Fn will be a part of Fnet in the vertical direction.

Whew! 🙂

Photo by Antonia Lombardi on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 10-28-22 Chemical Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job today! Remember it’s like baby steps, first binary ionic compounds, and now, formulas with polyatomic ions. Begin learning them now! And practice, practice, practice!!

Another great idea, click here for a copy of the Hints for Naming Chemical Formulas Flow Chart, or find it under the Worksheet/Handouts Tab. Follow it every time you name chemical formulas!!

flickr photo by skycaptaintwo

Hon Chemistry 10-27-22 Binary Ionic Compounds Formulas & Names

HON CHEMISTRY: Great start on writing and naming chemical formulas! What’d you think? Do-able? Absolutely!!

Today we concentrated on binary ionic compounds today with a short look at compounds with polyatomic ions. We’ll go kind of slow to begin with, but make sure to take time to practice, practice, practice, and learn it step by step. You’ll be as lost as ball in high weeds if you let yourself get behind!

flickr photo by ludie cochrane

Physics 10-25-22 A Woodpecker & ZORBA

PHYSICS: Awesome job working through the woodpecker and Zorba problems today. Loved, loved, loved watching you brainstorming, collaborating, and applying information you’ve previously learned!!

Now…can you go and do the Zorba problem on your own?

flickr photo by Claudio Gennari

Physics 10-24-22 Did the Hammock Crash? and A Street Sign Askew

PHYSICS: Great work today thinking through these problems! How you look at problems from the beginning can make a huge difference – huh?

A couple of things that work for me when doing equilibrium, etc., problems – first, draw them. Then go back through and separate resultants into components. If an object is in equilibrium, then there are no net forces – all the forces in the x direction balance – everything left equals everything right, and all the forces up equal all the forces down.

You’ve got all the ammo you need, now go forth and conquer pumpkins! And Zorba!!

Answers for the Equilibrants II worksheet are below:

  1. Fn = 3430 N upward against feet
  2. Fn1 = Fn2 = 1890 N upward on each foot
  3. F forward = 4.59 N
  4. T1 = T2 = 1760 N
  5. T1 = 1360 N and T2 = 680. N

flickr photo by Nomadic Lass

Chemistry 10-24-22 Chapter 1 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY – Are you ready? God bless you as you study! Here’s our overview of chapter 1 and the test – good stuff!!

Make sure you aren’t just reading your book and notes. First, memorize the facts, then go back and make sure you can apply the concepts. Study examples, make your own examples, practice making questions. And don’t forget, if you are getting lost with everything you need to know, or if you’re not sure how to study, Chapter 1 Stuff to Know Sheet under the Test Info tab.

If you want some interactive practice for the test (GREAT IDEA!!) here are a couple of great reviews from The Physics classroom. These are optional, so sign on as “Guest” if you want to do them:
Chemical vs. Physical Properties
Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids
States of Matter
Energy & Chemical Changes
Classification of Matter


Also remember there are great review games that are in the Student Premium section of the online textbook. You can do this – I believe in you! I’m praying for you!!

Image source

Chemistry 10-20-22 Elements & Intro to the Periodic Table

CHEMISTRY – Wow! Do you realize what we just did?!? We finished the chapter!!! Did you feel like today was mostly review?

There are three elements that you will research for the test – Cu, Si, and P. A great resource to research the elements (and the only one you need besides the textbook) are these video clips on copper, phosphorus, and silicon that a group of chemistry researchers have put together at Watch these and take notes. The information on these video clips will be on the test.. If you can’t get the phosphorus video to work, use this link on YouTube

Hey, have you had a chance to check out the chapter 1 study suggestion sheet? Let me know if there is anything you need help with before the test! (And you’re still learning the symbols of the elements, right?!?)

flickr photo by Geoff Jones

Physics 10-18-22 Newton’s Law of Inertia

PHYSICS: Remind me again why didn’t that pen go flying across the room instead of dropping into the bottle? Hmmm…..

So what do you reckon is the inertia of this car? Great start today relating mass to inertia! Now go forth and apply what you know to find the mass of your unknown! photo by Rodolfo Mari