Physics 3-31-22 Properties of Waves

PHYSICS: Today’s lesson is three parts. First you’ll watch a short vodcast on the properties of waves and then a short NASA video on wave motion (link is below) since we won’t be able to place with slinkies today in person. To wrap it up and make sure you have the concepts nailed down, there are three activities from the The Physics Classroom that you’ll do.

1) Vodcast – view below
2) NASA Launchpad video on wave motion – NASA Launchpad: Wave Motion.
3) The Physics Classroom Activities – Concept Builders: Wave Basics, Wave Cases and Concept Checkers: Simple Wave Simulator (either mode is okay)

Do you remember anything from your earlier 8th grade physical science days? Problems are pretty simple for you, I think. Do you remember the main formula from chemistry? Speed = wavelength x frequency (c = λf). Easy peasy – and don’t forget the applications!

Chemistry 3-31-22 Isotopes & Average Atomic Mass

CHEMISTRY: Isn’t God awesome to give us minds to understand the world around us – even the parts we can’t see!

Here’s the discussion for Tuesday on isotopes and average atomic mass. How are you doing on writing nuclear symbols? Also make sure you can use them to determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc., AND be sure you can use the formula to find average atomic mass!

Can you believe atoms are that small – and the nucleus even waaaaaay smaller! The thumbnail is a picture of atoms from the IBM Almaden Research Center. These are iron atoms on top of copper. Being able to move atoms around like this was a giant leap in the field of nanotechnology! (Sorry about that, bad pun! 🙂 )

Image source IBM Almaden Research Center

Chemistry 3-30-22 Structure of the Atom

CHEMISTRY – Chocolate chip cookie dough model of the atom? That’s what Thompson thought the atom must look like! Here’s our discussion of how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles.

For each, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

As we continue the explore the discovery of the structure of the atom, here are some video clips that I want everyone to watch that will help make things a bit clearer. Click here for the video on the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment that Thompson did, and also for the video clips that I want you to watch on The Discovery of the Electron and The Discovery of the Nucleus. All of these will be great tools in studying for the test!

flickr photo by pixxiestails

Hon Chemistry 3-29-22 Chapter 4 Overview

HON CHEMISTRY: God bless as you study for the chapter 4 test! Here’s our overview of the test and look back at some of the “problems” from the chapter.

Have you checked out the Chapter 4 Stuff to Know Sheet? Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to memorize the things you need to memorize so that you can apply them on the test. And practice, practice, practice, the problems and electron configurations. Did I mention that already?

What about applications for discussion? Photoelectric effect, spectroscopy, etc.? Another great idea for studying is to watch the videos that we watched in class, and others – super helpful as you study for the test!! Here are some of them:
Spectrum of the Stars (overivew of the results of the spectroscopy lab you did, shows the connection between our lab on spectroscopy and how we can identify elements), Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen (how we use it to know about the energy levels in an atom), Quantum Mechanics (about the roles of Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg), and also Animated Quantum Mechanics.

God bless you as you study! I’ll be praying for you!!

flickr photo by only alice

Hon Chemistry 3-28-22 Applications of Electron Configuration & Homework

HON CHEMISTRY: So now that you can write electron configurations, can you use them? Today we took a look at some of the homework, valence electrons, and using electron configurations to determine period, block, group, and type of element. How’d you do?

Have you checked out the Chapter 4 Stuff to Know Sheet? The test is right around the corner! Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to memorize the things you need to memorize so that you can apply them on the test. And practice, practice, practice, the problems and electron configurations. Did I mention that already?

Photo by Karl Abuid on Unsplash

Chemistry 3-28-22 Intro to Atomic Theory

CHEMISTRY: Here’s the our discussion on how we ended up with the atomic theory. Had you ever heard of Lavosier, Proust, and Dalton?

Pretty impressive little theory that Dalton came up with, huh? Were you surprised as you made comparisons with the Modern Atomic Theory? Could you now take it a step further and show connections between the three laws we discussed today and Dalton’s atomic theory?

Hon Chemistry 3-25-22 Blocks of the Periodic Table & Noble Gas Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow! You learned a lot today! Don’t we serve an awesome God?!? You probably knew the periodic table was really organized, but did you realize that it was THAT organized? Awesome!

Practice what you’ve learned!! You’ll get the hang of it and be as laid back as this “noble” fellow in no time! 😉

flickr photo by Rennett Stowe

Lost in the Issaouane Sand Sea

Welcome to a great adventure! You’ve learned so much this year – not just concepts, but skills, and you’re still learning! I can’t wait to see how you are going to apply it all!

Here’s the place where you can post your questions about the “Lost…”. First answer – the due date is Wednesday, April 20.

A really useful hint? Go back and re-read the project again – this time with a highlighter. It’s amazing how much I miss the first time I read something. So what’s your next question?

Here’s another copy of the first part of the project, if you need it:

Lost in the Issaouane Sand Sea – Regular Chemistry
Lost in the Issaouane Sand Sea – Honors Chemistry

Monday – Chemistry Applications 3-21-22

CHEMISTRY: Isn’t it awesome to find practical ways that chemistry is a part of your everyday life?!

Here’s the assignment for today, Monday. Regular Chemistry – you need to have 3 applications (3 slides). Honors Chemistry needs to have 5 applications (5 slides).

If you didn’t finish in class, it’s due on Tuesday.

Chemistry Applications in Everyday Life