Hon Chemistry 3-9 & 10-22 Orbital Notation & Electron Configuration Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow, you’ve done a great job the past two days! Did quantum numbers begin making more sense when you started using them? Good work yesterday on orbital notation and today on electron configuration notation. I think you’re going to be seeing arrows and numbers in your sleep!

And then, just when you were getting the hang of drawing arrows, I go and change it! But don’t you think writing electron configuration notation is a whole lot shorter than doing orbital notation? Don’t get me wrong, knowing how to do orbital is great for seeing how the electrons are paired, but this way is waaaay shorter!

HW UPDATE: Add to the homework assignment for tonight, “AND Write the electron configuration notation for the following elements: Ca, Cu, Cs, Sr, Sn, Sm

Be sure and practice with the homework tonight, and don’t forget to use the Aufbau “chart”! Let me know if you figure out the riddle!!

flickr photo by Iguana Jo

Hon Chemistry 3-8-22 Quantum Model of the Atom & Quantum Numbers

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job with quantum numbers today! Wow, it was a lot. Confused yet?

Don’t worry! Today you learned all the background information about quantum numbers. Tomorrow we will begin putting it all together 🙂

Here are some video clips that begin to show the connection between our lab on spectroscopy, the hydrogen emission spectrum, and how we can identify elements – including the one from today on why it’s all important. They’ll be very helpful as you study!!

The Electromagnetic Spectrum (not the song!)
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen
Animated Quantum Video is the one that explains all about why scientists began to believe that electrons could be acting as waves

Cartoon courtesy of nearing-zero.net

Physics 3-7-22 Overview of Chapter 8

PHYSICS: Pretty decent review today, but last year they wanted to talk about a few more things in depth, and so I thought that might be more helpful for you. For example – the hollow sphere problem. I’m just saying. So here’s a last look at some of the concepts and problems from chapter 8 from last year. And don’t forget about lift!

By the way, if you’re interested, at the end of the vodcast, I did a bit more work with #33 – the hollow sphere. Just some ideas for thought.

flickr photo by Doug Davey

Chemistry 3-7-22 Chapter 9 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY: I still say stoichiometry is a lot like baking – sometimes you just have to get in there and get your hands dirty! Here is our overview of the test today. The majority of the test is basic reaction stoichiomety, and then limiting reactants and percent yield. Be sure and give that the most of your study time!

Also, review writing and balancing chemical reactions. Most of the stoichiometry problems will require that you begin by doing just that! There will be just one extra jumbo large problem. and Practice, practice, practice!! Don’t forget about the Interactive Review Games with the online textbook. I’ll be praying for you! And I believe in you – you can do this!!

HW UPDATE: The webpost for this week is Rate & reflect 3rd Term

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 3-4-22 Photoelectric Effect & Hydrogen Emission Spectrum

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow check out this awesome example of the photoelectric effect – a giant solar flower in Buenos Aires, Argentina! It moves as it follows the sun. Click on the link to learn more. There’s also a link below the vodcast. Giant Solar Flower

Awesome field trip today and great job role playing electrons! Hey what about other applications of the photoelectric effect?

flickr photo by Stuck in Customs

Chemistry 3-4-22 Percent Yield

CHEMISTRY: So are you a cookie dough lover? Not me – I like my cookies crispy!

Here’s the last of the applications of stoichiometry problems – percent yield. First though, a look at the homework with limiting reactants. You realize what we’ve done… we’ve finished the chapter!!

Photo by Pam Menegakis on Unsplash

Physics 3-3-22 Bernoulli

PHYSICS: Were you amazed at the effect of change in surface area on the velocity of water, and especially the pressure of water, flowing through a tube? Thaaaaat explains how a calm ride on a lazy river can turn crazy in just a few seconds!

Today we concentrated on quantitative applications of Bernoulli’s Principle and a few practical applications. Tomorrow we’ll begin taking a look at the problems and a couple more cool ways to apply Bernoulli!!

Chemistry 3-3-22 Limiting Reactant Problems

CHEMISTRY: Great job with limiting reactant problems today! Remember a couple of things – for each problem, you know it’s a limiting reactant problem when they give you the amounts of two reactants, so you are going to have to work TWO different stoichiometry problems. At the end, the reactant that gives you the least amount of product is your limiting reactant. Label it! Also, that answer is the right amount of product. Box it!

Photo by Arshad Pooloo on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 3-3-22 Wave Properties of Light

HON CHEMISTRY: Isn’t this a super cool picture of light? So tell me again, if we’re supposed to be figuring out electrons, why are we studying waves?

I’m thinking you’ve probably memorized the electromagnetic spectrum after that inspirational song; however, also sure you also know the uses of the different types (all except for long waves). Just in case you’d like to hear it again: Electromagnetic Spectrum Song

How’d you like the light problems so far? Let’s play with light on Monday!

flickr photo by kevin dooley

Chemistry 3-2-22 Stoichiometry HW & Intro to Limiting Reactants

CHEMISTRY: So if you have 11 roller wheels, how many roller blade skates can you make? You know, really, limiting reactant is almost that simple. Well, the concept is anyway! You deal with limiting reactants in your life all the time. Now we’re just applying that same concept with chemical reactions! 🙂

Here’s the lesson from Wednesday – first a look at a few of the stoichiometry problems. Then – limiting reactants.

flickr photo by muffytyrone