Physics 3-31-22 Properties of Waves

PHYSICS: Today’s lesson is three parts. First you’ll watch a short vodcast on the properties of waves and then a short NASA video on wave motion (link is below) since we won’t be able to place with slinkies today in person. To wrap it up and make sure you have the concepts nailed down, there are three activities from the The Physics Classroom that you’ll do.

1) Vodcast – view below
2) NASA Launchpad video on wave motion – NASA Launchpad: Wave Motion.
3) The Physics Classroom Activities – Concept Builders: Wave Basics, Wave Cases and Concept Checkers: Simple Wave Simulator (either mode is okay)

Do you remember anything from your earlier 8th grade physical science days? Problems are pretty simple for you, I think. Do you remember the main formula from chemistry? Speed = wavelength x frequency (c = λf). Easy peasy – and don’t forget the applications!

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19 thoughts on “Physics 3-31-22 Properties of Waves

  1. Struggle-
    I have had one big struggle recently and it is called senioritis. I really feel as if I shouldn’t have assignments anymore, and that has proven to be an issue for me. I also have been going to a lot of events after school, limiting my time to work on schoolwork and zapping my energy level and will to work on assignments. However, I have been able to overcome this senioritis struggle somewhat this week by choosing not to stress over when these inevitable assignments will get done. Instead, I have just worked on them as I have time and have tried to make myself continue to do school work. Hopefully, I can hold on to this little bit of work ethic I have left these last few weeks.

  2. My struggle this week is just finding energy to literally do anything. Iyay amway eryvay iredtay andway iyay on’tday antway otay oday oolschay amymoreway ifyay imyay eingbay honestway.

  3. I would say my struggle this week would be just finding the motivation to keep going. As I’m nearing the end of the school year and graduation is just weeks away, I’m struggling to keep working hard at all my schoolwork. I’m going to try to keep working as the year concludes and finish off strong.

  4. S-Success
    My success this week was the online pendulum lab. I was able to figure out how to use the website quickly and then Liam and I were able to quickly test various variables when we worked together on Thursday. Overall this week was pretty simple but the one lab we did was successful.

  5. I have this vent about this week, my struggle was mainly balancing everything this week from a friends surgery to actually doing my work. I really appreciate Ms skinner being a good teacher so we can watch 5 year old vodcasts. I love physics so much

  6. My struggle this week has been being motivated to do anything. My level of caring this quarter has been unbelievably low and it’s not good. I did do good this week though and found a little bit more motivation to do schoolwork and I hope next week is better.

  7. My struggle for this week is just having an extreme lack of motivation. For most assignments this week, I waited until the very last second. Also, I cannot find any energy to work on Rube Goldberg which is frustrating. Another struggle this week was the Bungee jump egg lab. Our group took forever to understand what we needed to do, and when we figured it out we were still a little confused. I plan on just trying my best in the upcoming weeks and being kind to myself whenever I get overwhelmed. I know I need to get back on top of things, and I plan on next week being better.

  8. This week were are back again with yet another struggle. I know you’re so surprised. This week I struggled with both the bunging jumping egg lab and the lack of desire to do ANY schoolwork. The bunging jumping lab just straight up was extremely annoying, and I struggled to finish it, but I did. I also struggled to keep up with the lab data so sorry to my group for that one. Senioritis has also most definitely set in so there’s that. I don’t really have a solution for that problem.

  9. My struggle for this week has definitely been the egg drop lab. This lab on top of really being hit with senioritis. This week I have struggled to do my assignments on time and have kept putting them off for as long as possible. I feel as though I have zero energy and zero motivation, but I just have to keep pushing. The egg drop lab was a major physics struggle this week, considering we kept messing up. We also struggled for the few days afterwards, trying to figure out exactly how to find the spring constant. Thankfully we were able to accomplish our goal and find the spring constant, but we were able to figure it out int end.

  10. S-Struggle
    Like everyone else, I have been majorly struggling with the lack of time, energy, and motivation to do anything. I have had senioritis since the young age of seven years old, and it has steadily grown worse each year. So now it is quite tragic. I do not desire to do anything with Northpoint for the rest of the year, which has most definitely become a struggle. To ease this struggle, I shall be doing a whole lot of praying and ranting and making my friends hold me accountable.

  11. I would rate myself a 3.7/5 for this week. We honestly have not really done anything super challenging this week. There were no actual labs, no tests, and overall just us taking notes. I kept up with all our homework and I was really good about not letting myself procrastinate at all. I payed attention fairly well in class, and I enjoyed learning about sound waves. I would say that my downfall for this week has been me ignoring our Rube Goldberg project. This is going to cause a lot of stress, but I cannot fix that now. All I can do is just hope that things work out and that nothing goes too wrong.

  12. A triumph this week was making it to Friday. The end of this school year has gotten very difficult for me because I have lost all forms of motivation to get my work done. I have zero care left in me towards school and that’s definitely made getting any work done SUPER difficult. However, this week I have finished all my work on time and I would consider that a triumph this week.

  13. This week I would rate myself a 4.5/5. We didn’t do a ton in class but I was pretty attentive in class and took good notes. I wouldn’t give myself a 5 though because I could have been more productive with my time in class today while doing the sim lab.

  14. My struggle this is week is balance. I’m under a ton of pressure to get my makeup work done Additionally, I need to get that work done while in this choir Tito so I wont be behind when I come back.

  15. I actually had some triumphs this week. I was much better about getting my homework done and not stressing over it too much. Also, I actually understand what we are learning about sound waves and I really enjoy learning about things like pitch and the Doppler effect.

  16. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this week. We didn’t have a ton going on, but I did a decent job at taking notes and getting my homework done and turned in on time. However, I am struggling a little bit conceptually on waves, but I know that will come so I am not worried. Although I am struggling a little, I do enjoy what we are learning and I know that will help me become better at it. All in all, I need to stay on top of my work and not let myself get behind although I’m about completely mentally checked out.

  17. S-Struggle
    I expect all of my future web posts to be about struggles. This week, I continued to struggle with sleep deprivation, motivation, time management, and more. This school year is only getting more difficult, and I really need it to get easier. Senioritis is no joke. To combat this struggle, I will pray constantly and attempt to stay on top of things and work ahead, especially planning around softball games.

  18. This week I continued to have some struggles with motivation and work ethic. At this point I really wanna graduate and I have a kind of “nothing bad can happen at this point” mindset which typically isn’t the best mindset for school. I am however improving a little and I hope that the Rube Goldberg machine can help me there.

  19. My struggle this week has been finding energy and willpower to do my homework and projects. It seems like every class is piling on the work now, and I know everyone always says that they have senioritis but it is apparently very real.

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