Chemistry 11-5-20 Graphing Exercise 1 Recap

CHEMISTRY: How’d you do with your Google Sheets or Excel graphs yesterday? Make double dog sure you followed the instructions that I gave you in the video. I won’t accept your graph if you didn’t! Below is our overview of good and bad graphs – great stuff to check your graphs with!!

Today I’ll be checking your rough draft of Graph J in class. While you are waiting, you can be working Graph K or getting a head start on the questions for the Graphing Exercise 1. Questions must be typed, but Question A can be scanned.Have you thought about how you are going to answer question A? Could you use what you know about scanning??? Hmmm…..

And now, it’s time to put it all together! IMPORTANT: Check the project sheets for the exact order of how you turn in everything!! After you assemble everything in a doc, then make sure the heading and title are correct on the first page (do this like you would a lab report). Finally, you’ll save it as a PDF and turn it in two both your Google Drive Shared folder and

It must be submitted by this Friday, November 6, 8:00 A.M. Again, check the Project sheets for the exact order of how you turn in everything!!ame>

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83 thoughts on “Chemistry 11-5-20 Graphing Exercise 1 Recap

  1. These “snake worms” as they are called are destroying the forest floor across the USA and must be killed of in order to keep our forests from disappearing.

  2. The average body temperature of a human being has been dropping over the last two centuries since the standard of 98.6° was set. It is said to drop about 0.05° a decade but sometimes it drops more. This is sure to many facts but scientists think that modern health care and overall better health is the reason for this drop in temperature.

  3. My Science in the News article was about the newest development of the new COVID-19 vaccine. I found this vaccine was 90% according of Pfizer Research.

  4. STEM:

    For this week’s Science in the News Assignment, I researched an article about COVID-19. The title of the article was “How to Minimize COVID Risk and Enjoy the Holidays.” This article gave many examples of how to be be safe while being around your friends/family during the holidays. But, it did suggest that you stay home if at all possible.

  5. Some flying squirrel species have a fluorescent glow under a UV light. Recent discoveries show that platypuses emit a blue-green glow under a UV light.

  6. The article discusses how to control the effects of Alzheimer’s. When a person develops Alzheimer’s, a part of the brain produces proteins called amyloid betas. Amyloid betas lead to the effects produced by Alzheimer’s. Many scientists are working together to provide a drug that doesn’t cure the disease but slows the damage to the brain and the clumping of the amyloid betas. Two major trials produced both positive and negative results. The FDA suspended the trials due to the mixed results, but scientists are fighting to resume the studies.

  7. Getting a good sleep schedule could help you do better in school. Studies have shown that students with a good regular sleep schedule they are more likely to do good on their school work. The study also shows that the students that do not get a good amount of sleep often struggle with their grades.

  8. My Science in the News article was about immune cells on the brains surface and how they know exactly where to work. The article states that scientist used mice to collect this data and watched the cells being trained in the gut.

  9. In Chile, sciences documented the relationship between the only two predatory species of that area: pumas and foxes. They found that while the two species shared ecosystems, they barely had any rivalry for food or habitat.

  10. In my science in the news article, Dhruv Jain created an app called SoundWatch. SoundWatch is an app for the deaf and hard of hearing people that alerts them of about 20 sounds that are nearby.

  11. Washing your hands with regular soap and water is better for removing germs than hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is proven to leave chemicals on your hands that only soap and water can remove.

  12. Technology can be made from unconventional materials like paper, and your hands can transfer enough energy to power something. A keyboard was made out of paper and a blue tooth chip.

  13. The vision of a “ghost” is simply a misjudgment in your brain. Your brain has such an important job on such a large scale which makes it easy for your brain to see things that aren’t there or not see things that are. There is also something called sleep paralysis that is another example of how your brain can trick you into believing something is real such as a ghost.

  14. My sitn was about a paleontologist who is studying the size of megladons. By studying the teeth of these sharks they concluded that the babies practice cannibalism to grow so big.

  15. My SItN was about a species of hummingbird that drops its body heat to conserve energy at night. Scientists gathered hummingbirds overnight and recorded their temperatures and found that they could drop their body temperature to just above freezing.

  16. In my science on the news article it talked about how this scientist removed a murder hornet nest from a park that kids always played at. They put a tracker on a murder hornet and it led them right to the nest.

  17. Climate change is making the ocean water heat up and causing hurricanes to be stronger and last longer. From the past 50 years til now hurricanes are shown to last longer and have more rainfall.

  18. My Science in the News article was based off Mars’ water cycle. It explained that Mars’ once had water on it but does not produce it anymore due to hydrogen ions splitting apart water molecules in mars’ ionsphere. This is the why mars does not have water anymore and is a dry planet.

  19. My science in the news assignment was based off of if you their was a way to recycle non recyclable items. Scientists found out that their is a way that works on some plastics but it takes a while and cost a lot of money.

  20. My science in the news article was about jumping snake worms that disrupted soil in the US. When the jumping worms make a home in the soil, they chemically change it by adding nitrogen and taking away carbon, affecting the plant life.

  21. When you wash a pair of jeans, denim micro fibers come loose and go down the washing machine drain. The micro fibers contain chemicals that can pollute the environment badly. So if you wash your jeans too much, you might not think it, but you are polluting the environment.

  22. My Science in the News article explains why handwriting is a better studying method then typing. The scientists conducted an experiment and the results showed the group that hand wrote the material preformed better. Handwriting stimulates brain activity much more than typing.

  23. I did my science in the news on how handwriting notes is better than typing notes. The research says that handwriting your notes uses more of your brain and helps you memorize it better.

  24. My science in the news assignment was over Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Researchers have discovered that Europa’s surface which is covered by salt ice water has produced a glow from Jupiter’s electrons hitting the surface.

  25. My SItN was about how vapes and e-cigs without nicotine are still very dangerous and addictive. Scientists gathered that the flavorings cinnamon and vanilla kill the most macrophage, which are white blood cells that help your immune system.

  26. My SitN was about how white dwarfs in space shrink as they gain mass, why they do that, and expiraments that a team of scientists did to come to that conclusion.

  27. My SitN was about turning non recyclable plastic into recyclable plastic in order to decrease the amount of plastic burned in landfills. The scientists conducted experiments. They combined a type of thermoset plastic with a zinc-based compound and added the mix to a high energy grinder called a ball mill which turned it into a powder that could be molded into a new shape.

  28. my science is the news was about how there is a study to make it to wear we can wesr our phones somewhere on our body and it will charge by us just moving around and doing simple motions. they are doing this by putting thin films in our clothes so it can convert energy to our phones

  29. My sitn was about the aerodynamics of a thrown football and the reasoning of why a spiraling football typically goes farther and makes for an overall better pass. They found that the reason the spiral was so Important is because it forms what is called a gyroscope which helps the football cut through the air. They also found that the act of the footballs nose dipping down at the end of its arch is due to something called precession.

  30. Cuvier’s beaked whales have been recorded holding their breath for up to four hours. We aren’t sure exactly how they do it. They also hold a record for the deepest dive. (sorry this is two hours late I completely forgot about it I’ve had a really long and rough week i did it incase you would take any credit but I understand if you don’t especially since this isn’t the first time but I have now set an alarm on my phone to keep this from happening again)

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