Chemistry 11-30-20 Oxidation Numbers (& Pre-Test Quiz Info)

CHEMISTRY: One man’s rust is another student’s lesson in chemistry! Great job today with oxidation numbers. Now it’s time to go and practice applying them! Try to do your homework without your notes first. Then go back and check and see what you actually knew. Great way to check up on yourself.

God bless you as you study for the Chapter 7 Memorization Quiz for Wednesday! You need to have memorized (and be able to use!!): polyatomic ions, monatomic ions (but you can get these off the periodic table), acids, prefixes, and how to write and name chemical formulas. You do not have to know the chemical names and formulas for common substances. Click here for a copy of the PERIODIC TABLE you’ll use on the test – if you want to practice using it on your own.

That’s a lot, but you can do it! And make double dog sure you are working hard at practicing it all now!!

flickr photo by scottwillis