Hon Chemistry 5-3-24 Molecular Geometry HW & Intermolecular Forces, Pt 1

HON CHEMISTRY: So we’ve put it all together – Lewis structures, molecular geometry, dipoles, and bond type. Here’s our look at the homework worksheet. How’d you do?

After that, a beginning look at the importance of molecular geometry with solubility, and a beginning look at intermolecular forces. Lots of applications, from using peanut butter to get gum out of your hair to little fishes breathing dissolved oxygen. Let’s do more tomorrow!

Photo by Marc Newberry on Unsplash

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9 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 5-3-24 Molecular Geometry HW & Intermolecular Forces, Pt 1

  1. I struggle with taking notes when we had to watch the vodcast this week. I also struggled with paying attention in class during the electron configuration notes.

  2. I struggled with the homework from last night, and remembering the rules for drawing the structures. I am overcoming this struggle by rewatching the vodcasts, and practicing the work at home.

  3. This week I struggled with learning some of the new topics we covered in class. I am working to solve this by paying extra close attention next week’s lessons.

  4. I struggled with paying attention and taking notes. To fix this I will watch the vod casts and study extra hard then I will try to pay attention more in class.

  5. This week I really struggled with understanding how so many things go into the structure of a molecule. There were times where it was really confusing to me, especially when we were practicing. To overcome this I plan on practicing more and reviewing my notes. I will make sure I have it down pat for our upcoming test.

  6. I am struggling on getting myself to focus and stay on task. This is because it was the end of the year and it is hard to keep up and staying motivated

  7. 1) Chemistry helped me to realize how much I actually have to put in work and effort if I want a good grade. I learned how hard it is for me to memorize something and retain it for a whole year.
    2) Advice I would give is to learn the elements as soon as you get them, or even before, because they are needed the whole year of chemistry.
    3) What would have helped me learn better this year is more applying, just taking notes is not my way of learning, and its easier if I am able to apply it myself and have a teacher correct me if im wrong and work it through in class.

  8. 1. Chemistry grew me in many ways. I had to memorize a large amount in a small time and study days in advance and not procrastinate. I had to learn how to study properly and efficiently. I had to learn how to take good notes and not just write what is on the board. I learned I can do impossible things after doing the chemistry project. Overall I have become a better thinker and have learned you need to not just know but know why.
    2. My advice for future chemistry students would be to make sure to take good notes in class and pay attention. I would also advise that they go back and watch the vodcasts if they do not understand a lesson. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.
    3. This year to help me understand chemistry a little better would be talking through some of the lessons more before moving on

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