Physics 11-4-20 Friction & Forces at an Angle

PHYSICS: So what happens to your applied for when you pull or push something at an angle?

Again, remember a few key things. One of the most important – net forces produce acceleration.

You can find Ff a couple of different ways – it’ll be part of a net force equation and can be found from the coefficient of friction equation. If and ONLY if your object is moving at a constant velocity, Ff will equal Fa. Fn is only sometimes equal to Fw. If your object is pulled at any angle (or pushed), Fn will be a part of Fnet in the vertical direction.

Whew! 🙂

flickr photo by kbaird

Hon Chemistry 11-4-20 Binary Molecular Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Okay, I’m not saying that learning to name and write chemical formulas is as bad as a jellyfish sting (you’ll get that in a minute!), but you do have to really, really pay attention to the details!! Here’s our discussion on writing formulas and names for binary molecular compounds. Part of it’s really similar to what you learned to do for ionic compounds, don’t you think? The other part is totally different, though!

Make sure you keep everything straight. Find a way to organize all the information for yourself so you won’t get confused. Also, don’t forget the lists you have to memorize – chemical names for common substances, polyatomic ions, acids, and numerical prefixes. And practice, practice, practice!!!

Image source casch52