Chemistry 8-19-20 Controlled Experiments & Wrap up of the Scientific Method

CHEMISTRY – Great discussion today of controlled experiments. I loved how you were able to apply what you knew about it to Question 5 from the homework! Great practice for the test!

Speaking of using the scientific method, tomorrow you’ll be using what you know to explore Oobleck! Make sure you print and read the Oobleck lab sheet and bring it to class Thursday. If you can’t print, be sure and write all the questions down on notebook paper so you’ll be ready to answer them. This is your only homework for Wednesday night.

Don’t forget that we’ve moved everything on the syllabus back a day. That means what’s on the syllabus for Thursday is now moved to Friday and what’s on the syllabus for Friday is now moved to Monday. Watch the beginning of the vodcast below for more information.

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31 thoughts on “Chemistry 8-19-20 Controlled Experiments & Wrap up of the Scientific Method

  1. Something I struggle with is time management. so this year I plan to get better with my time and do better in school.

  2. This week I struggled with getting back into the routine of doing homework each night. I am dedicating a set time after school to do homework and study.

  3. This week I struggled with getting back in the hang of things and getting my body back on track with the school day and practices after school.

  4. In school I struggle with procrastinating. This year I’m going to improve and not procrastinate and do my work early.

  5. This week I struggled with getting used to waking up every morning and staying focused throughout the day. I am dedicated to setting my alarm and staying as focused on my school work as possible.

  6. This week I struggled with getting back into the routine of getting up early and being awake through the day. This year I am going to be awake and get what needs to be done, done.

  7. This week i struggled with staying awake in first period. From now on i am going to go to sleep earlier than i have been.

  8. I struggle with procrastination. I always wait until the last minute to study and do homework. I will start doing my homework earlier and work ahead to stay on top of it. I will study right when I get home instead of late at night.

  9. In the past years, I have struggled with procrastinating and putting things off until the last minute. This year I am going to be extra prepared and get things done as soon as they are assigned to me.

  10. This week I struggled with playing a tuba for the first time in six months. I plan to practice diligently and improve as a musician, not only in band but other instruments as well.

  11. I struggled this week with keeping up. I think a large role that played part in that was me dealing with personal issues this week like me getting badly injured with my hand. I think with a good planner, keeping all of my assignments in a calendar, no distractions, and keeping up with my work, the problem can be fixed.

  12. I struggle with studying the night before or more of procrastination in general. A way I could fix this is by starting to not do homework or study before the night it is due but rather when I have opportunities to do it throughout the week when I am bored… which is a lot.

  13. I struggle with staying fully focused during class so I will try my hardest to listen and pay more attention when the teacher is talking.

  14. i struggled with keeping up with what is due and what i need for when. and i will look at the syllabus more closely.

  15. I have always struggled with putting things off and not Trying my hardest in all my assignments. I am always a little lazy with my work. This year I plan to set aside more time to study and do homework every day to stay ahead on my work and not fall behind

  16. I struggled with logging onto to the book and doing the homework.I will try different ways to get on the book and I’ll read more of the book for the questions and go more in depth.

  17. Some thing that I struggled with is know when stuff was due to fix it I will print off the syllabus and look at it

  18. Something I struggle with is staying motivated to do work and study. To fix this I think I should set reminders and make myself do the work right then so I don’t forget about it later.

  19. One thing I have currently struggled with is my time management, I have extra curricular activities such as softball, and I struggle with managing study time, homework time, and getting softball practicing and succeeding at all of them. so I am gonna work on it and strive to get better and start using my study hall to a full advantage. and then make study activities to help me learn instead of procrastinating and not doing my best on a test. and with homework maybe doing it on the way to practice and on the way home. so I will work on this to be better with time management.

  20. One thing I struggle with is not planning ahead for the next day with the correct material. A way I could help my situation is to print my syllabus out so I can look back at it at all times even when my phone isn’t working.

  21. I struggled with taking short and quick notes for the scientific method. I will fix this by abbreviating more and not stressing so much about writing every single word said or on the PowerPoint.

  22. This week I struggled with getting back into the routine of doing homework each night. I am dedicating a set time after school to do homework and study.

  23. This week, I struggled with procrastination. I tend to wait until late in day to do my homework, but to fix this this I will ask my parents to make sure I do it soon after I get home and hold me accountable.

  24. I struggle with procrastinating my assignments. I fix that by making sure to do assignments on time /starting them early as well as setting reminders for my assignments

  25. I struggled with remembering all of my assignments. I will make sure to purchase an assignment pad to keep track of these things.

  26. I struggled with getting back into my normal school schedule. I plan on waking up earlier and preparing myself the night before.

  27. i struggled with keeping up with what is due and what i need for when. and i will look at the syllabus more closely.

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