Chemistry 9-25-18 A Look at Hand Drawn Graphs

CHEMISTRY: Were you happy with your hand drawn graph? Here’s the very short review today of good and some not so good graphs.

HOMEWORK INFO: For tonight (Tuesday), make your final copy of your hand drawn graph – you’ll bring your physical copy of the graph tomorrow.

Speaking of the first graph – be careful with your hand drawn graph! Watch this vodcast for good and bad examples. Carefully review the instructions on how to draw them. Common mistakes – switching independent and dependent variables, the scale on an axis not consistent along the axis, graph too small, line not a best fit, forgetting to label the axis, etc.

And finally – NEATNESS is very important!!

flick photo by Caleb Roenigk

Hon Chemistry 9-25-18 Physical & Chemical Changes and Conservation of Mass

HON CHEMISTRY: More review today on chemical properties and chemical changes. Can you determine if a chemical change has occurred? And what about energy? How is that important in chemical changes? Let’s play with a chemical change tomorrow!

flickr photo by Theodore C