Hon Chemistry 9-10-18 Chapter 2 Overview

HON CHEMISTRY – God bless you as you prepare for your test! Here’s the short overview of the test that we did in class today (sorry about the mic!!).

Below the vodcast today’s class is the vodcast from a past help session that I thought might help.

Remember, don’t just read your notes and memorize! You must practice your notes, practice the problems, practice the memorization!!

Also, don’t forget the Interactive Review Games with your online text and also sciencegeek.net. God bless you as you study! I’ll be praying for you!!

HON CHEMISTRY 9-8-14 Help Session – Conversion Factors & Problem Solving from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 9-10-18 Relationships Among Data

CHEMISTRY – Can you believe it? We’ve finished the chapter! Here’s the lecture from today on direct and inverse proportions AND a look at one of the conversion factor problems from last night’s worksheet.

Speaking of tests, have you gone to the TEST Info tab yet? You might find something that will help a lot as you study!!!

Also, don’t forget to check out the Interactive Review Games with your online text and also the review at sciencegeek.net. Great practice with both memorization, concepts and problem solving!

God bless you as you study this week! I’m be praying for you!!