Chemistry 11-17-11 Polymers

CHEMISTRY: We finally finished the chapter! Did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them. But don’t you think polymers are cool? Here’s the lecture from Thursday. Did you get a copy of the Polymer Worksheet? Click here if you need it: Polymer Worksheet. Some items for contemplation: why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe? Help Session tomorrow morning at 7:15!

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Hon Chemistry 11-17-11 Atomic Number & Isotopes

HON CHEMISTRY: So did you realize how incredibly small an atom is? And if so, what about the nucleus? My word, how marvelous is our God!!

So, what did you think about the story of Lise Meitner? Why don’t you look her up and see what else you can find out about it?

And here’s a weird bit of trivia. Did you know there is a baseball team called the Isotopes? No kidding, they’re a minor league team in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is a pic of their “Isotope Field.” Go figure! Almost all elements have naturally occurring isotopes is some amount. Are you getting the hang of writing hyphen notation and nuclear symbols? We’ll work on calculating average atomic mass on Monday. And lots of other fun stuff!! πŸ™‚

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Chemistry 11-16-11 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! It’s just like writing empirical formulas, but with a twist at the end! By the way, if you’d like some practice or if you have questions – help session Friday morning, 7:15 A.M. Also, don’t forget make-up labs are Thursday morning at 7:15 A.M. and Thursday afternoon at 3:30 P.M. πŸ™‚

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary

Hon Chemistry 11-16-11 Structure of the Atom

HON CHEMISTRY – Hey guys, Here’s the lecture from Thursday on how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles. FYI – as we go on, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

Don’t forget the videos in the Vodpod below! They will help a lot as you review the different scientists experiments. BTW – Do you think there could be anything smaller? Than an electron, I mean??

One last thing – remember that make-up labs are Thursday morning at 7:15 A.M. and Thursday afternoon at 3:30 P.M. πŸ™‚

flickr photo by Here’s Kate

Physics 11-16-11 Work Energy Theorem

PHYSICS: Great job on the problems today – good connections between work and energy. I think you’ll like using the work-energy theorem, it’ll save you some time and a couple of steps. Don’t forget about friction!

flickr photo by raysto

Physics 11-15-11 Intro to Work

PHYSICS: Funny thing about words, all this work you thought you’d been doing, was it? Work, I mean? Great intro to chapter 5! Jakin, I think you almost did move the lab station! πŸ™‚ And I think you’ll all do great with the work problems, just remember everything from the last chapter and multiply by d!

BTW – Did you figure out what to do with the conveyer belt problem from the end of class? Why were you supposed to subtract?

Chemistry 11-15-11 Empirical Formulas

CHEMISTRY: So, would you like to be Greg on CSI? Great start on empirical formulas today. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio. And don’t forget the little step you might have to add to the end. Tomorrow – molecular formulas! πŸ™‚

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Hon Chemistry 11-14-11 Dalton vs. Modern Atomic Theory

HON CHEMISTRY – Hey guys, here’s the lecture from Monday on the introduction to atomic theory. Isn’t God awesome to give us minds to understand the world around us – even the parts we can’t see. Good job with beginning to compare and contrast Dalton’s Atomic Theory and the Modern Atomic Theory. Are you surprised at how close they are? Make sure you can give examples to apply what you learned about the three laws we discussed today.

By the way – how did you like playing alchemist today? Did we really turn the copper penny to gold? Here’s a hint, was there evidence of a chemical change?

flickr photo by pulguita

Chemistry 11-14-11 Percent Composition

CHEMISTRY: Great job today… although, it was kind of weird watching you chew gum in class! Double check your calculations, sig figs, etc. Remember you are finding the percent of SUGAR in gum, so that means the mass of what goes on top? Lab reports are due Monday.

BTW – I think you’ll find that percent composition problems are really easy to catch on to. Make sure, though, you can write chemical formulas (I won’t give them to you!) and that you’ve memorized the formulas for acids and those common substances from #58, so that you’ll have something to find the percent composition of. Don’t stop practicing those as well!

flickr photo by ΀ϊ΢΢Β₯

CHEMISTRY 11-8-11 Sample Test Problems

CHEMISTRY: How’s it going? You stuck? Here’s the laaaast review of the types of problems that will be on your test Thursday. Don’t forget to print out a copy of the syllabus. You’ll need it for Wednesday. Also, if you will be leaving Thursday for the game, you’ll need to make sure you let Mrs. Jackie know which day you will be taking your test. (Check out the syllabus to see what I mean!) Good luck! I’ll be praying for you!!

flickr photo by Frans Persoon