Chemistry 11-17-11 Polymers

CHEMISTRY: We finally finished the chapter! Did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them. But don’t you think polymers are cool? Here’s the lecture from Thursday. Did you get a copy of the Polymer Worksheet? Click here if you need it: Polymer Worksheet. Some items for contemplation: why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe? Help Session tomorrow morning at 7:15!

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Hon Chemistry 10-28-11 Polymers

HON CHEMISTRY: Well, we finally finished the chapter! Did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them. But don’t you think polymers are cool? Here’s the lecture from Friday. Some items for contemplation: why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe?

BTW – Here’s a copy of the Polymer Worksheetif you need it. And the rest of the homework for this weekend is to answer the Standardized Test Prep at the end of chapter 7. Test Tuesday! 🙂

Polymer Worksheet

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Chemistry 4-6-11 Polymers

CHEMISTRY: Well, we finally finished the chapter! Did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them. But don’t you think polymers are cool? Here’s the lecture from Wednesday. Did you get a copy of the Polymer Worksheet? Click here if you need it: Polymer Worksheet. Some items for contemplation: why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe? Help Session tomorrow morning at 7:15!

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