Chemistry 3-27-24 Lost… Project Due Date REQUIREMENTS

CHEMISTRY: How’s your work coming with the project? Have you organized yourself? Here are the  work due dates for the rest of the projects that will help you stay on top of things. Keep in mind that the first two homework dates below just show the bare minimum you should have done by then.

Lost… Project Due Date REQUIREMENTS

Phase 2A Assignment –  Items Planning Sheet (Google Docs) with 23 ENTRIES – due April 2, 11:59 PM

    • The Google Doc template you’ll work from is here on the website under the Project tab
    • Turn in Google Doc to your Chemistry Shared folder
    • Having more done than 23 is strongly suggested.

Phase 2B Assignment – Copies of Sources (Google Slides) with 23 SLIDES  – due April 9, 11:59 PM

    • The Google Slides template you’ll work from is here on the website under the Project tab
    • Turn in Google Slides to your Chemistry Shared folder
    • Having more done than 23 is strongly suggested

Final Project Due – April 16, 11:59 PM

    • Lost. . . Project due on or before Tuesday, April 16, at 11:59 P.M. If you are absent for any reason that day, the complete project is still due on or before this time. Late projects will not be accepted.
    • FOUR things you turn in:

#1 and #2 –  Research Paper Google Doc and Research Paper PDF

#3 and #4 – Sources in Google Slides and Sources PDF

    • WHERE you turn in your Research Project

1)      Chemistry Shared folder in Google Drive (Google Doc, Google Slides & 2 PDFs)

2) (only both PDFs)


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62 thoughts on “Chemistry 3-27-24 Lost… Project Due Date REQUIREMENTS

  1. I would rate myself a 4/5. I feel like I started at a good time and I was able to focus on the things I needed and set myself some time out and work on it! I could put some more effort into it though!

  2. I would rate myself a 4/5 I finished all my project requirements and made up for missing work from when I was absent. I could also do my things earlier and not wait until the last minute.

  3. I rate myself a 2 out of 5 on the project. I started out good then I lost track of time and started procrastinating. I understand what I am doing tho I am just behind.

  4. I rate myself a 3/5 right now on the project because I started off good but then I started to get behind I’m still kinda on task though.

  5. I rate myself a 3/5 because I fell behind in my progress on the chemistry project, but I am working on getting caught back up.

  6. I would rate myself a 2/5, I haven’t set off enough time to do my project and I’ve been falling behind. I’m working on getting back on to all my work

  7. I would rate myself a 3/5. I’m starting to get a little behind on the project, but I plan on working over the weekend to get ahead.

  8. I would rate myself a 2/5 on my progress for the Lost… project. I’m more than a little behind, and I’ll have to kick it into high gear to keep on track. I think it is still possible to get ahead. I will do my best this weekend playing catch-up.

  9. I would rate myself a 3/5 star for the Lost…. project because i am caught up with the required work but have put no other work in outside of that and setting myself up for long nights up working on the project next week.

  10. I would rate myself a 3/5 because I have procrastinated too much, but I have gotten my work done on time.

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