Chemistry 2-29-24 Chapter 9 Test Overview & Practice

CHEMISTRY: Great job today! Have you figure out the path for working stoichiometry problems? Here’s our overview of the test – sample multiple choice, a percent yield problems, and a big mama extra large problem.

Now go forth and practice, practice, practice! God bless you as you study and prepare!

Photo by Fritz Benning on Unsplash

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44 thoughts on “Chemistry 2-29-24 Chapter 9 Test Overview & Practice

  1. This week I triumphed In leaving in using my time wisely. I left myself plenty of time to study for tests and do homework.

  2. This week I triumphed in staying on top of my chemistry notes even though ive missed class all week. ive also given myself a lot of time to study for the test.

  3. This week I triumphed in learning the material. At first, I was struggling with stoichiometry, but after much practice I think I’m ready for the test.

  4. This week I have triumphed in studying for my test and getting my material in order. I will try to do better and keep up with my work.

  5. I triumphed by learning how to do stoichiometry. At first I was struggling with it and by the end of the week I was good at it after lots of practice.

  6. This week i triumphed listening and working problems in class. I really learned in class and payed attention instead of having to go back and try to figure it out again while doing the homework.

  7. This week I triumphed by studying for my test, and absorbing as much material I could during class, and then expanding on that info I absorbed on homeworks and hopefully the test.

  8. This week I triumphed over understanding and being able to apply the material. I had a hard time at first, but as the week went on I understood it more.

  9. This week I triumphed in keeping my composure. I had a frustrating start to my week and yet I kept going strong. I also think I did a pretty good job on learning the material for the test.

  10. This week I triumphed in applying the material we learned and studying earlier than the night before the test. I was able to do this because I focussed on getting the right answers on the homework and not just completing it.

  11. This week I triumphed in taking notes and trying to be more attentive during the lessons. I feel that i am growing in my ability to learn new things.

  12. This week i triumphed in learning Stoichiometry from when i was out. I did this by re watching the vodcast from when i missed and taking notes and practicing problems.

  13. I have triumphed this week in stoichiometry by identifying my mistakes, referring back to my notes when lost, and asking for help when i need it.

  14. I have triumphed this week in paying attention in class, coming to the help session and working practice problems before the test.

  15. I have triumphed this week in catching up on what I did not understand, practicing stoichiometry problems, and by taking better notes.

  16. This week I have triumphed in studying as well as taking my test. I have triumphed in this because I studied hard and I believe I did very well on the test.

  17. This week I triumphed in keeping up with work even tho I have been out of class and trying to learn everything that I missed out on.

      • I would rate myself a 3/5 because I think I did ok with organizing ever and staying on top of makeup work but I didn’t study the best for tests and I forgot to do like 3 webposts which did not help my grade much… but overall I think this was an okay quarter

  18. This week I have triumphed in studying for these tests and making sure that I understand material thoroughly. I’ve also gotten quicker at solving problems because my comprehension is faster.

  19. This week I have triumphed in preparing for the test. Usually I’m pretty nervous before taking tests, but this time I kind of felt like I knew what I was doing.

  20. This week has been good. It’s been fun working with the robots and learning more about the behavior of fluids. It’s still a little confusing, and I know this test is going to have a lot of conceptual things on it. So, I hope the labs we did will help me solidify these different concepts and principles.

  21. This week I triumphed in being able to get a good grip on stoichiometry. I also think I focused really well this week.

  22. This week I triumphed in taking notes and understanding the material before taking the test. I felt really confident going into the test and I think I did well.

  23. I triumphed this week in taking the test. I feel that I was prepared and able to understand mostly every problem.

  24. This week I triumphed in really paying attention in class and doing all my homework. I think I did okay on the test but wish I had more time.

  25. This week I triumphed in learning stoichiometry. I caught on pretty quick and I felt good on the test.

  26. I triumphed in taking my notes and doing my homework. I felt like I did really good in some parts. But still more to learn to it

  27. This week i triumphed in study for my test and paying attention in class. i did well with taking notes because i struggled with that last week.

  28. In chemistry this week Initially, the concepts we covered felt as complex and challenging but something I could work on and reach. So I triumphed on trying to reach that. I also triumphed on doing my homework and assignments and coming to help sessions.

  29. This week was a lot more fun and laid-back than usual. I enjoyed filming the movie with our T-bot and seeing the hydraulics in action; however, even though this chapter has been short, I still feel like the test will be difficult because the topics revolve more around conceptual subjects than problems. I’m going to study the chapter more over the weekend so that I can fully understand what we went over in class and be more prepared.

  30. This week I triumphed in the L.R. problems on my homework. I did this by getting my answers right and understanding the material.

  31. This week my triumph was being abled to keep up and doing good at keeping notes. I did this by trying to focus as much as i could

  32. My triumph this week was being abled to keep up and doing good at keeping notes. I did this by trying to focus as much as i could

  33. I triumphed this week in taking notes in class. Understanding these large problems is harder but good notes help.

  34. This week I triumphed by working out the homework problems and learning from them. Instead of just doing the homework really fast.

  35. I triumphed this week by staying on task and doing all my work. I took good notes, and hopefully it will pay off on my test.

  36. I triumphed this week by managing to complete the popsicle stick activity, even though we had to restart multiple times. It was challenging to set them up, but we were able to triumph and complete the activity in the end

  37. I rate myself a 8/10. I definitely could’ve done better this term, but I am also proud of myself for how I have worked. I definitely did work harder this term. I could’ve studied harder for test as well.

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