Chemistry 2-8-24 Single and Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions

CHEMISTRY: You realize what we did? We finished all 17 types of reactions today! Have you been practicing using them?

Are you ready for the quiz tomorrow? Have you been working on memorizing all 17 types of reactions?! Just the 17 reactions will be on the quiz Monday, but what about the chapter test coming up? For that, don’t just memorize them, make sure you can apply them as well.

When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!! (and yes, I realize I am repeating myself, but I do and you can!)

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45 thoughts on “Chemistry 2-8-24 Single and Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions

  1. I am actually extremely proud of myself for staying on top of my homework assignments this week because I usually just don’t do them or forget to do them so I am proud of myself for staying on top of my work and doing my homework.

  2. This week I triumphed by taking good notes and paying attention in class. As well as doing my homework and understanding it.

  3. This week I triumphed by getting really good at note taking. I was not use to it at the beginning of the year but now I have improved on it. As a result I am making better grades in chemistry.

  4. This week I have triumphed in memorizing and learning the 17 different types of chemical equations, because I have already memorized all of the reactions for the quiz Monday and the test Tuesday.

  5. I have triumphed this week by taking good notes on what we are learning and making sure i know what i am doing for the quiz monday.

  6. This week I triumphed by doing the lab quicly, and being able to comprehend , and not wasting any time, and i grew in knowing how to balance chemical equasions.

  7. This week I triumphed in taking good quality notes in class on balancing equations and I am getting better at balancing chemical equations.

  8. This week, I triumphed by doing much better with balancing equations using the 17 rules. I also started memorizing the rules a little instead of waiting until Sunday night to start.

  9. I triumphed this week by doing my homework at a reasonable time of night. I even understood what we were doing in class as it was being taught.

  10. This week I triumphed by doing well with balancing chemical equations. I also think that I took good notes to help prepare for the quiz next week.

  11. This week I triumphed in paying attention in class and working out the information in my notes as it was being taught.

  12. This week I triumphed in class by learning the 17 chemical reactions snd balancing them correctly. I also did all my work on time instead of waiting until the last minute.

  13. I triumphed on understanding the homework we did this week because I utilized my notes and the rules we learned throughout the week.

  14. This week I triumphed in taking good notes, paying attention in class, and improving in writing and balancing chemical equations.

  15. This week I triumphed in staying on top of my assignments. I was very well prepared each day and had a stress free week.

  16. I triumphed this week better than any other week so far this year, I think I did really good this week with balancing equations.

  17. This week I triumphed in paying attention in class and doing all of my homework. And by paying attention in class I was able to take good notes

  18. This week I think I triumphed in doing my homework on time and well. Also i think i’ve been doing better with talking in class and really focusing on what i’m being taught. Why I think this is because i’ve been less stressed and not waiting till the last minute, I also have been doing well in grasping my material.

  19. I think my triumph this week was staying on top of everything. I had everything done and ready the night before. Instead of procrastinating.

  20. This week I triumphed by making sure to turn in my homework and not get a zero. I have also tried to stay locked in while taking notes and try to understand.

  21. This week I did well with the activity series & balancing equations, because I already had experience in doing them & it just clicked in my brain.

  22. In 2016, NASA launched the OSIRIS-REx. This is a spacecraft that collects asteroid samples so that scientists can observe and test them. Just last year this spacecraft was able to drop the samples in our planets atmosphere and scientists were able to retrieve them.

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