Chemistry 11-3-22 Chemical Names & Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Great job learning to name binary ionic compounds – and even beginning to write formulas!

Speaking of formulas, what is your plan for all the memorization in this chapter? Word of warning – don’t wait to the last minute!!

Super important – the secret for the next few days and this entire chapter is DON’T GET BEHIND! Keep up with me and practice, practice, practice!

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58 thoughts on “Chemistry 11-3-22 Chemical Names & Formulas

  1. This week I have struggled with staying on top of my work and memorizing polyatomic ions. I will work on fixing this by checking syllabus and doing work early. For memorization I will begin studying earlier in the week.

  2. This week in chemistry I have struggled with the memorization of the polyatomic ions. I forget and switch up the numbers but never the letters. I have gotten better in my application of the knowledge gained on these ions over the course of the week but I am still not satisfied yet. I will do extra memorization practice this week to ensure a guaranteed good grade.

  3. My struggle for this week was procrastination. I waited until the last minute to memorize some of my polyatomic ions and it left me with more work to do in the end. A goal for the next week will be staying on top of it so I can fulfill the purpose of long term memorization.

  4. My struggle for this week wasn’t really procrastinating but more my mindset. I thought “Oh, I have time to study.” And i just studied a little each day. Next week my goal is to get it all studied and memorized and study more every day until the quiz.

  5. This week I have been struggling with remembering that the charge of the compound comes after the amount of atoms. I struggle with this when saying and writing them. I can work on this by practicing to say and write the compounds correctly.

  6. I have struggled with learning all of the polyatomic ions. In my opinion this is harder than learning the elements. I had to start studying further in advance for the polyatomic ions quiz.

  7. This week I have struggled with staying on top of my work. I missed a few classes last week, causing me to get behind on chemistry work because I’m trying to catch up on so much. I’m going to work on my time management. If i planned better with my free time I wouldn’t be so behind.

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