Hon Chemistry 11-2-22 Chemical Formula Homework Answers & Review

HON CHEMISTRY:How’d you do on the homework? I thought you might want the homework answers from the beginning of class today, so I’m posting our short, short class. Also there is some really good review of the stock system at the end.

Help session Thursday morning AND Friday morning at 7:30 A.M. Come if it will help, but don’t feel like you have to if you don’t need it. And they are come and go – come when you can and leave when you need to.

Photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash

Physics 11-2-22 Friction on Inclines

PHYSICS: Who knew snow skiing could be so complicated! Well…friction problems on an incline anyway. Here’s our discussion of friction problems on an incline.

Remember, drawing the diagram is super, super important. Label all the forces and apply the concepts you know about net forces and resultant forces – let it tell you a story. 🙂

Here is some info you might find helpful in the future:
Wed night answers

flickr photo by t i g