Physics 3-3-22 Bernoulli

PHYSICS: Were you amazed at the effect of change in surface area on the velocity of water, and especially the pressure of water, flowing through a tube? Thaaaaat explains how a calm ride on a lazy river can turn crazy in just a few seconds!

Today we concentrated on quantitative applications of Bernoulli’s Principle and a few practical applications. Tomorrow we’ll begin taking a look at the problems and a couple more cool ways to apply Bernoulli!!

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11 thoughts on “Physics 3-3-22 Bernoulli

  1. Triumph:
    I had many triumphs this week. Elizabeth and I were extremely successful in doing our hydraulics lab. We were very prepared; we made a script and props before we came to class, and we were able to execute our ideas very well. I actually really enjoyed using the t-bots. I also feel like I understand most of the conceptual aspects about Bernoulli, and the demonstrations in class have definitely helped. I am not 100% on the problems, but I think I will only get better with practice.

  2. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this week. My stronger parts of the week were definitely the t-bot activity and understanding some of the concepts we learned. For the t-bots, my partner and I were really prepared and were able to have a lot of fun while getting our work done. For a lot of the concepts, I understood them really quickly and I was able to pick up on main parts of them. My weaker points in this week are definitely surrounding my motivation and work ethic. Basically, I have none right now. I have lost a lot of my motivation, and that makes everything else I do extremely hard. I also struggled with some of the problems for this week, but I think I will get better with more practice.

  3. OBI-WAN: Let her go, Anakin.

    ANAKIN: You turned her against me.

    OBI-WAN: You have done that yourself.

    ANAKIN: You will not take her from me.

    OBI-WAN: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that.

    OBI-WAN: (continuing) You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now . . . until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

    ANAKIN: Don’t lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire.

    OBI-WAN: Your new Empire?

    ANAKIN: Don’t make me kill you.

    OBI-WAN: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic … to democracy.

    ANAKIN: If you’re not with me, then you are my enemy.

    OBI-WAN: Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.

    (ignites his lightsaber)

    ANAKIN: You will try.

    (ignites his lightsaber.)

    I rate myself a 4/10 this week. Nothing really happened, but the whole week itself was not a vibe.

  4. I apologize that my web post will not be as enthralling as Mr. Frank’s.

    This week I would rate myself a 3.5/5. I had a lot of work to do this week, both in this class as well as in my other classes in preparation for me missing the entirety of next week. I have done three labs and done other work so I’m not too far behind when I return after spring break. It has been tiring, one of my most tiring weeks this year especially since we have had long soccer practices in preparation for our games this weekend, but I have kept up with my work and worked hard to get it all completed before I leave for Jamaica. I am excited for the final quarter of my high school career and I hope that it is slightly less demanding than the past three have been. Altogether, it’s been an exhausting but productive week.

  5. This week I would rate myself a 3/5. I feel like I did a pretty good job with my videoing skills when I was doing the T-bot lab and I had fun working with the robots and figuring out how they worked. However, this week I struggled with staying motivated because I’m just ready for it to be spring break. I will try to stay motivated to do my work next week and finish the nine weeks strong by getting my lab reports done and studying for the test on Tuesday.

  6. I’d rate myself a 3/5 this week. I didn’t pay attention much before we got to Bernoulli, but I went back and looked at the problems again and they didn’t seem that hard. I’m excited to see how I do with Bernoulli’s principles in the future.

  7. I’d rate myself a 3/5 this week. I didn’t pay attention much before we got to Bernoulli, but I went back and looked at the problems again and they didn’t seem that hard. I’m excited to see how I do with Bernoulli’s principles in the future!!!

  8. I would rate myself a 2/5 for this week. Karis and I did get some good work done on our Tbot lab, and we came in relatively prepared. However, we could’ve been a little more prepared to make our movie. I struggled staying motivated this week, and I keep thinking about the upcoming break. I’m starting to understand Bernoulli and pressure a bit better conceptually, but I still need to work on it this weekend.

  9. R – Rate
    This week, I rate myself a 1/5. I am struggling big time, and it seems like everything has been piling on top of my already heavy load, and it’s just one thing after another. I am exhausted and feel sick from the show and softball, which has made it very difficult to get all of my work done. Currently, I just woke up and my throat hurts to swallow and is even scratchier than last night, so that’s nice. Hopefully it gets somewhat better before my last performance, and hopefully I am able to get some work done this weekend.

  10. This week I rate myself a 2/5.

    Conceptually I am pretty good but I’m just really far behind and it bothers me because I don’t like being behind that much. It’s starting to pile up everywhere not just in physics and I need to change that. I do however understand Bernoulli very well and I actually enjoy working those problems so yayyyy.

  11. R-Rate
    This week I would rate myself a 2/5. I would rate myself this because I did very badly with time management and should have spent more of my time working on labs. I would also give myself this rating because I forgot to do my webpost before 8 this morning. However, I did pretty well taking notes in class the days we had lectures and understand the concepts pretty well.

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