Chemistry & Honors Chemistry – Exploring Remote Learning

CHEMISTRY: Welcome back! I’ve missed you guys!! This new way of learning is going to be a tad awkward for a while, but remember how you eat an elephant…! We’ll gradually build and add new aspects to what we do – lessons via vodcasts and hopefully very soon, video conferencing with the class. For now, though, baby steps! Be sure and explore the Remote Learning Page in your Chemistry page in PowerSchool.

Here’s where you begin. Go the Chemistry Page in PowerSchool Learning. Explore the Remote Learning Page and get comfortable with where everything is (especially the Discussion Board!)

  • Read the “What We’re Doing” block
  • Read the “Daily Expectations” block
  • Find the Discussion Board Tab
  • Let me know if you have any questions!

Now for the written part. Go to the Discussion Board in the Chemistry Page on PowerSchool Learning and enter the following in the Lost… Project Discussion Board:

  1. What is your biggest difficulty with the project?
  2. What question(s) do you have about the project?

FYI – There will be some changes to the project that I’ll let you know about very soon. For example, you are now going to be allowed to use eBooks as your book sources.

I’ll put the new project details on the class website as soon as I have everything finalized.

The web post topic for this week: Challenge. What’s been your biggest challenge in the last seven days (personal life or school life)? What are you doing to try face it?
(Let me know at some point what you think about this new deadline for web posts. Good? Bad? No opinion?)

This is going to be a great day!!

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112 thoughts on “Chemistry & Honors Chemistry – Exploring Remote Learning

  1. The biggest challenge for me this past week is getting back into the normal routine. I know I will probably struggle with online classes a little bit so I have been worrying about them. I am trying to stay on top of my school work so I will not have to worry about it last minute. I do not have an opinion about the new deadline because I usually do them mid-week anyways.

  2. My biggest challenge is that power school learning is down and can’t get into any of my classes and also the fact of teachers have all different due dates and things are just a lot fuzzy right now.

    • J – Oh my gracious, yes! PowerSchool has been having a very hard time with the tons and tons of people all trying to use it at once. I think things will begin to calm down and get better soon. I hope so! We will all get used to this new way of doing things!!

  3. My biggest struggle this week has been trying to get into a normal schedule which is really hard to do when no one is leaving their house. Also, powerschool learning is down so I can’t start any of my work and I don’t really know what I am supposed to be doing either.

    • E – Yes! PowerSchool has been making me want to pull out my hair! Can you imagine if we were working at the PowerSchool headquarters?!? Check the syllabus and my web post here for what to do. I think because it’s all new, everything seems to not make sense. Let me know what you think you’re supposed to do, and we can take it from there!

      • My biggest challenge is telling myself I can’t do stuff. I want to go out to eat with my friends, I want to hang out at my grandparents, and do other things. But, I need to keep others and myself safe. The new due doesn’t affect me all that much because now I’m not all that busy, and I won’t forget to do it. Having it due a couple days isn’t all that bad though.

  4. The biggest challenge for me has been not being able to leave my house and I’ve been sick (not with corona, don’t worry). I also think the adjustment of going to school learning and remote learning will be a new challenge.

    • J – So sorry you’ve been sick! I know what you mean – I had to sneeze in a restaurant the other day, and I tried to bury my head in my coat so no one could see or hear!

  5. My greatest challenge right now is figuring out these online classes and making sure to check powerschool everyday. It feels really weird to be home this often. I will also be challenged with slacking off at home and not being as productive. It also doesn’t help that powerschool isn’t working. The new web post deadline probably won’t change me posting it on friday, just from habit. However, if I do forget to post it Friday, it won’t be counted off.

    • My biggest challenge is dealing with the coronavirus outbreak and knowing what the homework and lesson plans are for my classes. Its hard adapting to the new powerschool learning.

      • J – It’s been a huge challenge for me to, but you’ve got this! You learned so many new things when you came to my class at the beginning of the year and you can do this too!!

    • J – I’m glad the new web post date will be better! I’m thinking about making it the due date for most everything. Not sure how that will work. PS is going to get better – I hope! I think it was just going crazy today (and maybe tomorrow) because so many people all over the world were trying to use it.

  6. My biggest challenge is getting back into a normal routine instead of sleeping in late. To fix this, I will set alarms like I would on a school day. It is challenging because I’m not going out of the house like I would on a school day, so I wouldn’t have to wake up at a certain time like school requires. Also, powerschool has been down, so it’s been challenging to message back teachers. I usually try to post my webpost earlier in the week. Also, being online for class will help students remember to go ahead and do the webpost early.

    • I – That’s a great idea! I think getting up and getting ready every day like I was really going to school is going to be a challenge for me, but will be the best thing for me if I can make myself do it!

  7. My biggest challenge is doing powerschool learning I know I’m going to forget about a lot of stuff because my teachers are all having different due dates for different things and PowerSchool learning is so slow all the time

    • J – You’re used to different due dates! But know what you mean! I think it’s all so confusing now because it’s new – at least it is for me, but I really think we are going to get used to it. You learned so much about new ways of doing things at the beginning of the year and you’ll be able to do it again!!

  8. The biggest challenge is trying to figure out what I have to do in all of my classes and working on my chemistry project with sourcing and documenting my sources.

  9. My biggest challenge recently has been staying in a productive routine. Without going TO school, I feel like there’s nothing I have to do and nowhere I need to be. But then it’s a little overwhelming when I realize I do have these different assignments on Powerschool. And I’m definitely thankful for the opportunity to keep up with school remotely, but I think we’re all having to adjust to it a little differently. To be more productive, I need to treat these days as normal school days. I’ll get up and get started on work before having free time.
    Also, I think I will be glad to have this new webpost deadline, since I easily forget things… thanks, Ms. Skinner! But I hope I will still be on top of it and post early in the week!

    • K – Oh my gracious, yes! I told E earlier I think I’m going to have to make myself get up and get ready just like I was going to school, otherwise I will end up being in my PJs all day with Cheetos all stuck in my hair. 🙂 And like you, I’m going to have to establish some kind of brand new “routine”. Kind of like at school, but not. Glad the new time will work for you!

  10. My biggest challenge is trying to get out of the house. I do not like being inside all the time and I want to go and hang out with friends but I can not

  11. My challenge this week has been getting back on the normal schedule and trying to do all my schoolwork from home and not get distracted with my phone or the tv.

    • A – Oh yes, I totally agree! A big challenge for me is going to be to try to figure out what my routine is going to be. Probably will have to tweak it a few times 🙂

  12. One of my biggest challenges is having to use powerschool learning beacuse it’s either offline or i can’t find what i need. Also, having to stay inside all day is hard because I get really tired, especially because the weather is gloomy. This week I’m going to focus on the good and try to have a good attitude about everything that is happening because it’s all in God’s plan.

    • B – Oh gracious, yes! I think we broke PowerSchool Learning today! I can’t tell you how many times we had to stop and let it reload before we could type the next sentence, or even the next word! Let me know if you can’t find what you need for Chemistry! The syllabus has a new format so it may not make sense at first, so let me know! And you’re right about trusting God’s plan. I have to keep reminding myself that this didn’t take God by surprise and He can use even this for our good and His glory. I’ve just to remind myself to stop trying to figure it out for myself and ask God to do it for me. He will!!

  13. My biggest challenge this week has been PowerSchool learning. Sometimes it works, other times it is crashed. Sometimes when I try to login it won’t let me and now PowerSchool is having a downtime to fix the website. Hopefully when it comes back up it won’t give me any problems.

    • J – Yes! I feel your pain. It was the same for me too. I think it’s because everyone in the world was on it at the same time. I just kept hitting refresh and it would come back – well except for the time that it completely died! It will get better! I just have to remember to be patient until I get used to everything. Not so easy for me!

    • Overall my biggest challenge is not being able to access everything through powerschool, and getting on a regular scedule. To fix these I have set a specific time to do all my assignments, and powerschool works better, at 1am so we will get through this.

  14. My biggest challenge is getting used to what’s going on right now. I might struggle with remembering to look at PowerSchool everyday to do my work.

    • C – I think until I get used to everything, I’m going to have come up with some kind of checklist for myself to remind myself of everything I need to do, especially until I figure out what my routine is going to be. Did you happen to see the Daily Schedule Planner that I put on PowerSchool? It’s on the Remote Learning page. It might help!

  15. My biggest struggle right now is figuring out a schedule and a way to organize all of my online classes. I am trying to stay on top of all the work so that I do not get overwhelmed late in the weeks. I like the new due date because it gives time after the week is over to look back and reflect on the week as a whole instead of just part of it.

    • N – Great! Thanks for letting me know. I’m like you, I’m going to need to set up some kind of routine for myself. Did you happen to see the Daily Schedule Planner that I put on PowerSchool? It’s on the Remote Learning page. It might help!

  16. My biggest struggle right now is trying to organize all of my classes and making sure I’m doing all of my assignments. Due to this recent change, I keep fearing that I’m not completing everything I need to and am scared I might get behind on my assignments.

    • S – I know what you mean! Let me know if you have questions about the new syllabus and the way we’ll be doing things in chemistry. I keep trying to remind myself it’s new for everyone and we’re all trying to figure it out! Did you happen to see the Daily Schedule Planner that I put on PowerSchool? It’s on the Remote Learning page. Something like this might help you!

  17. My biggest challenge is getting back into my school routine, without actually doing all the steps of my routine. It is kind of difficult doing classwork online, but I know it is all going to be okay!

  18. My biggest challenge these passed few days would probably be having to be making sure i completed all of my work. I’m scared i will read over an assignment and then forget to do it. But so far im doing great lol.

    • D – I know what you mean! At the beginning, I’m going to try to send out reminders about when things are due. If I can remember! I think when we get our new routine established, it will really help things!

  19. My biggest challenge has definitely been trying to do schoolwork without actually going to school. It is very hard to stay motivated and on task without being in a routine every day like we normally are. But, I plan on trying to keep a fairly regular schedule with powerschool and online work as best I can.I plan on writing literally everything down so I have less of a chance to forget assignments. It has also been pretty difficult to just stay inside and stay away from friends. I have been getting really bored, but I am just trying to come up with new things I can do around the house to stay entertained.

    • E – Thank you so very much for your kind words of encouragement today. They came at a very much needed, frustrating, want to pull my hair out time! God’s got a plan for this. I’m like you, I need a schedule! And I’ll be honest – it was so wonderful to see my teacher friends yesterday and today!

  20. My biggest challenge in the past week has been to stay motivated to get things done. It’s so easy to waste this extra time away from school since it seems like we’re still on spring break. To make sure that I still get things accomplished, I will make a to do list of my assignments for the week so that I don’t forget anything, and I will make sure to check Powerschool. It has also been a struggle to only see my siblings and not my friends recently.

    • A – I’m like you and E! I need a schedule or something like that to keep myself focused! And I’ll be honest – it was very wonderful to see and work with my teacher friends yesterday and today!

  21. Over the past few days my biggest struggle has been finding ways to stay entertained I have been facing this issue by starting to watch “Love is Blind” on Netflix and I highly recommend to anyone who might be reading this.

  22. My biggest challenge for this week is getting really used to powerschool since i prefer pencil and paper type work. Oh well i like not wearing uniform and waking up early.

  23. My biggest challenge has been dealing with a lot of new ways of living (temporarily) because of the virus. Not being able to go to school and not being able to visit friends has been sort of lonely, but I am happy that it is temporary. Other than that, the rest of our percussion activities and our band trip has been cancelled, which is ultimately a bummer. I know this will all bypass and that everyone is dealing with different things in this difficult time, but I hope that everyone is happy and healthy in this time of self-isolation and that we will return better than ever.

    • L – Thank you! I needed to hear your positive outlook on things right now! Our world has surely been disrupted, but the things I’m trying to remember are 1) God is bigger than all of this, and 2) as bad as I think it is for me, someone else is having a much tougher time than I am. Thank you for helping me remember this!

  24. The challenge for me this week is starting to do school work again. I’m used to sleeping late and not having to do anything but now it’s just hard to get back on top of things when I’m not really used to it.

  25. My biggest challenge this week has been being lazy and not feeling motivated. I have actually been pretty productive, but since I have so much time I am still just laying down a bunch of the time haha. However, tomorrow I think I am going to start exercising more and make myself get up more. I feel like this online school is going to also make me be more active, too!

  26. My biggest challenge has probably been procrastination. I like to be on a schedule, and now that everything has been thrown off, I need to try and establish a new schedule for myself. That’s probably my biggest challenge as we start the remote learning period

  27. My biggest challenge as of right now is using power school learning. It is quite difficult since it constantly cuts out. Also, I am struggling with being able to navigate my assignments on it. I jusr need to spend more time on it.

    • F – Yes! It is so frustrating at times! For now, be sure and read what I post here and be sure and get the syllabus. And when you get to PS, keep hitting refresh. They’ll get things figured out and fixed on their end eventually! Also, let me know when you do get on if you can’t find something. Everything is pretty much linked to the Remote Learning page, so you can find it from there or from the top main tool bar or the side tabs. Let me know!

  28. My biggest challenge this week was getting myself to work on the project during spring break, when all I wanted to do was chill out and relax.

  29. The biggest challenge of the week for me would be making sure I’m not overlooking an assignment on any teacher’s page. I’m not very familiar with Powerschool Learning because I rarely use it, especially for so much. To make sure I don’t miss anything, I’m checking in with some of my friends to see if they saw anything I didn’t or vice versa. I like the new deadline because it is due when our other assignments are due, which makes it harder to forget about it.

    • K – Good idea! For chemistry, all your lessons, assignments, and due dates will be on the syllabus, so be sure and follow that carefully! Let me know if you have questions!

  30. I might have posted two web posts today by accident because I don’t know if the first one came through, but my biggest challenge this week has been making sure I don’t miss any assignments because I’m not used to Powerschool Learning. To keep this from happening, I’ve been checking in with some of my friends to see if they saw something I didn’t or vice versa. I like the new deadline because our assignments are due at the same time, so it’s harder to forget about it.

  31. My biggest challenge right now is trying to adjust to the new remote learning system. It’s also a challenge to not sleep in all day seeing I have work to do now.I will wake up on time and take its day by day.

  32. My biggest struggle this week has been trying to figure out what i have to do in all of my classes. It is also hard because powerschool is constantly down and you have to wait for the right time just to log in.

    • J – Yes! It is so frustrating at times! For now, be sure and read what I post here and be sure and get the syllabus. And when you get to PS, keep hitting refresh. They’ll get things figured out and fixed on their end eventually! Also, let me know when you do get on if you can’t find something. Everything is pretty much linked to the Remote Learning page, so you can find it from there or from the top main tool bar or the side tabs. Let me know!

  33. My biggest struggle has been finding things to fill my time and ways to stay active. I think I am going to enjoy the online learning because it will make things more flexible and allow me to work on my own schedule.

  34. My biggest challenge this week has been getting back into the normal schedule, which is hard to when you’ve been out of school for a while. Also, another struggle is adjusting to this new remote learning, which is hard to do because Powerschool is constantly having trouble. But, I’m going to keep refreshing it and checking Powerschool daily for new assignments.

    • K – Yes! It is so frustrating at times! For now, be sure and read what I post here and be sure and get the syllabus. And when you get to PS, keep hitting refresh. They’ll get things figured out and fixed on their end eventually! Also, let me know when you do get on if you can’t find something. Everything is pretty much linked to the Remote Learning page, so you can find it from there or from the top main tool bar or the side tabs. Let me know!

  35. My biggest struggle has been finding activities to fill my time and ways to stay active. I think I will enjoy the online learning because it will be more flexible and allow me to work more on my own schedule.

  36. My biggest challenge is my PowerSchool learning does not work right now. I have kept myself busy outside of school with hunting so that hasn’t been a problem. I do like online thought because it is less work lol.

    • G – Yes! PowerSchool is sometimes bonkers for me too! For now, be sure and read what I post here and be sure and get the syllabus. And when you get to PS, keep hitting refresh. They’ll get things figured out and fixed on their end eventually! Also, let me know when you do get on if you can’t find something. Everything is pretty much linked to the Remote Learning page, so you can find it from there or from the top main tool bar or the side tabs. Let me know!

  37. My challenge that I’ve struggled with is getting back in the groove of everything because this seems really different then what we have ever done before. Also, life is really boring right now from not seeing friends and hanging out with them.

  38. My biggest challenge with everything going on right now is staying motivated. It’s tempting for me to just lay in bed all day when I physically don’t have to go to school. My sleep schedule is off and I sleep in way too much which is not good. I’m facing all of these challenges by making myself wake up early and making breakfast. I also am forcing myself to go on a walk everyday. I hope that this can help my motivation and allow me to get a lot done these next couple of weeks.

  39. My biggest challenge for this week has been to find ways to keep myself busy while constantly being stuck at home. I am itching to go places and see people, and I really don’t enjoy being at home this much. I’m so used to being busy and having schoolwork to do and sports workouts and practices to go to that staying at home for prolonged periods of time has been difficult.

    • C – I’ve got the perfect solution! I’ll be glad to send you plenty of chemistry to keep you busy! But I do know what you mean about being at home all the time!

  40. My biggest challenge this week is not being able to see my friends. I am a very social person and do not like be alone. Another thing is time management, by figuring out good times to do each assignment rather than being distracted. I will fix this problem but starting to have good time management.

  41. My biggest challenge that I’ve been having this week is my wack sleep schedule. I’ve been going to bed late and waking up really tired throughout the day. Right now, I’m going to go back to my regular bedtime schedule just so I won’t be so tired in the morning.

  42. My challenge that I have faced this week has been not getting too lazy or frustrated being at home. It’s a struggle to keep active while just sitting at home all day so I’ve been doing my best to try and stay active and its also frustrating to be stuck in isolation for days at a time. so through this short period I will try to do my best to overcome these challenges and make good come out of this whole situation.

  43. My biggest struggle this week is finding motivation to get my work done. I’d rather just relax and play games or something, but instead I need to tell myself to work on my chemistry project or work on some other homework. It’s difficult doing this, because you’re at home and you could do pretty much whatever you wanted there.

  44. My biggest struggle these past few days has been knowing what I’m supposed to do. I’m struggling finding where teachers have put assignments and I’m worried I’m going to miss something. I’m going to ask my friends about due dates and not get frustrated.

  45. My biggest struggle right now is figuring out the right time to get on PowerSchool and what to do first. Sometimes I get on PowerSchool and it says that I can not get on or it takes FOREVER to load. That has been really hard for me because I’m not a very patient person haha. Other than that, I have been getting a lot of work and work ahead work done and I am kind of proud of myself.

  46. My greatest challenge for me is not letting my classes blur together. I keep wondering if I did assignments for one class when really I did them for another. just my luck now I have to do them ONLINE. Not to mention I really need to catch up with my project.

  47. my greatest challenge this week this is getting used to power school. haven’t really used it all this year. More of a remind 101 guy, but we can get past that I guess. Also and struggling to know when everything is due, keep having to ask around.

  48. My biggest challenge this week has been how to divide up my time as well as how often PowerSchool has been going down, along with my wifi going down as well.

  49. My greatest challenge is dealing with all these assignments in addition to the project we are working on, as well as powerschool stalling. But I can work around it.

  50. My biggest challenge is to keep track of all the online classes and dealing with the current issues with Powerschool.

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