Hon Chemistry 9-6-18 Relationships Between Data & Test Info

HON CHEMISTRY – You’ve learned to gather the “pieces of the puzzle”, now it’s time to put them together so they can have meaning! Here’s an overview of direct and inverse proportions. Just brief info for the test for now, and we’ll put it to practice in a couple of activities after the test.

And so you know what that means? We’ve FINISHED the chapter – well the book part any way! Now for test! Do you know how to prepare for it?

As you study, remember, don’t just read your notes – practice your notes, practice the problems, practice the memorization!! Be sure and check out the Chapter 2 Stuff to Know sheet and the chapter 2 study suggestions sheet. They are under the Test Info tab. God bless you! I’ll be praying for you!!

Image source 3.bp.blogspot.com/…/s320/puzzle.jpg

Chemistry 9-5-18 Homework Conversion Factor & Density Problems

CHEMISTRY: Here is our discussion from today of some of the conversion factor problems from the homework. Are you getting an answer, or are you showing proper work that shows that you understand the process? Are you practicing them the correct way? You want to get great at working these yourself, not just get great at watching me work them!

What about the test coming up – have you started preparing? Be sure and check out the Test Info tab here on the website!

flickr photo by Enokson

Chemistry (and Honors) 9-4-18 Using Density

CHEMISTRY – Hey guys, here’s a pic of some “high density” koi that I saw in Hawaii (at the Dole Pineapple Plantation, of all places!). Great review on density problems today, and more! Remember, in chemistry we use math as a tool, therefore we might work problems a little differently in chemistry than you do in your math class.

When working these problems, don’t forget to follow the problem solving steps we discussed today:

  • Analyze – write down what you’re given and what you’re looking for
  • Plan – write a formula where you isolate the unknown on one side by itself
  • Compute – plug in your data, numbers and units; then cancel the units, and if they cancel correctly, go on to the calculator. Be sure and give your answer what the correct units.
  • Evaluate – does your answer make sense, have you used the correct units, do you have the correct sig figs?

Need more practice? Help session TOMORROW morning, 7:30ish A.M.

Physics 9-1-18 Acceleration, Pt. 2

PHYSICS: Watch out for bunnies on ski slopes!! Here’s the last of the acceleration formulas. Good job with the derivations! You’re doing really well with them – stay with it! Carefully examine what you know with the formulas you have that might fit. And if they don’t, examine what you do know that could lead you to what you need to know. You know? 🙂

Tonight’s problems may be a little challenging, but you can do it!! Do you need some extra practice rearranging the formulas, or just working the problems? Help session?

Physics 9-8-16 Acceleration, Pt. 2 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by DaPuglet