Physics 8-30-18 Tortoise & the Hare and Intro to Acceleration

PHYSICS: Great work on the tortoise and the hare problem! And great intro to acceleration!

How are you doing on the “tough” problems? I’ve said it before, but remember a few things: You weren’t born knowing how to do these – give yourself a little time. On the really good ones, just one formula won’t work – begin with writing what your know. These are some of the hardest problems we’ll work in physics – not because the formulas are hard, but because knowing how to reason through them is so challenging.

You are doing a great job! Some good advice – go work them again! I promise, it will be good for you. Remember, don’t open the solutions you wrote in your notes! Try them without it!! If you have to, peek, but then don’t stop until you can work the entire problem through without looking!

flickr photo by Marxpix

Hon Chemistry 8-30-18 Conversion Factors, Pt. 2

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job with our start on using conversion factors to work more advanced conversions! It’s good to able to convert from one unit to another, but can you use that info to solve a real world problem?

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!). Now go forth and conquer!

flickr photo by A. Jarrett

Chemistry 8-30-18 Conversion Factors

CHEMISTRY: Great job with our start on using conversion factors to work problems! Hopefully this was a review from your earlier academic life. We’ll crank it up a notch tomorrow!! 😉

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!)

Make sure you practice using your notes tonight, it’ll help you remember the steps we followed today in class!

If you need more practice on these or other problems, what about a HELP SESSION?

flickr photo by vnysia