Hon Chemistry 11-16-16 Intro to Atomic Theory

HON CHEMISTRY: So how do you feel about being made from earth, air, water, and fire? Here’s the very short intro we did on how we ended up with the atomic theory. Had you ever heard of Lavosier, Proust, and Dalton?

I loved our beginning discussion on the comparison of Dalton’s Atomic Theory with the Modern Atomic Theory. Here’s a vodcast from last year so that you can catch the last little bit!

Chemistry 12-2-15 Intro to Atomic Theory from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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13 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 11-16-16 Intro to Atomic Theory

  1. I would rate myself a 3/5 stars for this week. I studied a lot for the test and was pretty prepared. However, when we got the test back I thought I had done better than what I actually got. Next test I’ll just start studying even earlier to make sure I know the easy stuff super well so that way I can do that very quickly. On this test I ran out of time so hopefully with being able to do easy stuff quickly will help. I did however keep a good eye on the time overall and am glad I did the test in a different order. Next time I’ll remember to do it in the order I did it in but maybe with a slight change in order to be even more efficient with time.

  2. Struggle: I was pretty disappointed with my test results this week. I felt like I had studied sufficiently and knew the material, but my test proved otherwise. During the time leading up to the test, I wasn’t missing any of the homework problems, I followed along and absorbed the lessons, and I thought I knew what I was doing. I think that’s one of the places where I messed up. I was a little too confident in my ability to work these problems, and I probably overlooked some of my weaknesses. For the next test, I am going to start studying very soon after the test date is announced and to practice/review all my notes and materials constantly until I am 100% sure that I have committed them to memory.

  3. I would rate myself a 2/5 stars. I started studying for the test earlier but my test results were not what I expected and I was hoping to do better. I need to be carefully on calculations and make sure I show every step.

  4. This week, I was disappointed in my chapter 7 test grade. I didn’t do enough practice problems prior to the test. During the test, I didn’t budget my time well to be able to double check the problems. However, while doing test corrections I was able to find and fix my mistakes and review what I didn’t know well during the test.

  5. I would rate myself 2/5 stars for this week. I was extremely disappointed in my test grade. I was expecting a pretty good grade, but I don’t think I used my time wisely. I was out of town the weekend before the test so I put off studying until the night before. Even though I studied for 4 hours monday night, I didn’t retain the information as well as I would have if I studied several days in advance. Today I checked over my test, and realized it was mostly careless errors. If I had budgeted my time, I would have been able to check back over my test and fixed them. Next time I will be sure to study in advance.

  6. This week in Chemistry I would rate myself a 2/5 stars. I studied extremely hard for the test, and I reworked almost all of the book homework and got it all right. I ran out of time on the test and felt extremely rushed. I feel like I should have done so much better on the test. I am going to fix this by figuring out my mistakes and understanding why I missed them. I came during my study hall today and checked my test and I realized that so many of my mistakes were extremely careless. Next time, I am going to be more aware of checking for those mistakes.
    Struggle: Chapter 7 test materials. I can improve by figuring out my mistakes.
    Anyways, I believe that I did well the activity we did in class today and I enjoyed it today.

  7. I would rate myself a 2/5 this week. I struggled with my test a lot. I thought I did really well, but was very disappointed in my test grade. I will make sure to study even earlier next time. I belive that I did very well in the activity today. I guessed almost all of the objects correctly and it came easily to me.

  8. This week I would rate myself a 2/5. I did. It do so well in the test. & should have started studying sooner. I think I did well on the activity though.

  9. Struggle: The test we had on Tuesday I could have done slightly better on if I had better managed my time and prepared for the discussion question more. Some of the material we learned on Wednesday also is slightly difficult for me to differentiate and understand. I will have to try to watch the vodcast to better understand the material and better manage my time on tests.

  10. Struggle: I wasn’t happy about my test grade. I should have studied harder and worked more problems prior to the test. However, I think as long as I do my Science in the News and do well on the next test, I will be okay.

  11. I’d rate myself 2/5

    Triumph: I did pretty good on my lab so I’m pretty happy about that, finally getting the hang of it

    Struggle: I didn’t do good on my test at all. I worked slow and was even able to finish it and that really disappointed me. I guess I’ll just need to study harder so that the memorization parts come even faster, which will then give me more time to do calculstions.

  12. This week was a sad 1 out of 5 stars. This rating is so poor because I had such a low test grade. I understand that this grade does not define me, however I know that I can’t change it and that pains me. I know now that I need to give myself at least 3 or 4 days prior to the test to begin reviewing old notes and such. If I start to make a better study plan, I know I will succeed in a higher level and be a better student. So, I just need to remind myself that I do not need to take the time before tests for granted; if I do that, I know I will have better success in the future.

  13. This week I would rate myself 2/5 stars. Leading up to the Chapter 7 test, I thought that I really understood everything. I did my homework and practiced calculations. While studying I just felt very confident that I knew what I was doing. Also, during the test I felt very confident. I kept an eye on the time and managed my time perfectly. So, I was definitely shocked and disappointed when I got my test score back, and it was a lot lower than I expected. This just means that I have to work a lot harder for next time.

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