Physics 11-15-16 Chapter 4 Test Overview

PHYSICS: Great job on this chapter! You’ve done a great job applying the concepts and thinking through these problems! Practice, practice practice the problems, but don’t forget the conceptual stuff! Thanks, Patrick, for the visual of almost weightlessness! 🙂

How do parachutes work? What causes whiplash and how do seatbelts work? If you get a chance, watch the Julius Sumner Miller videos on Newton’s laws on You Tube. And also, here’s the link to a video clip I found on terminal velocity and the Physics of Skydiving I think they’ll all help a lot with the conceptual information

God bless you as you study! I’ll be praying for you!

Physics 11-15-16 Chapter 4 Test Overview from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 11-15-16 Molar Mass, Molecules & Avogadro’s Number

CHEMISTRY: I loved watching you apply what you’ve learned to find the molecules of water in a drop! Did you get a copy of the updated syllabus? Big changes toward the end of the week!

So……’s it going? The good news is, you are doing a great job catching on to problems with molar mass and Avogadro’s number! Need some extra help or just some more practice? Help session tomorrow, Wednesday, morning, 7:20ish A.M.

You’ve gotta, gotta, gotta learn those formulas. Flash cards, saying them as you write them a bazillion times, whatever it takes, you’ve got to memorize the formulas for the polyatomic ions and acids, especially those, as well as the other common compounds. Have you thought about making up a song?

You can do it, I believe in you!!

Chemistry 11-15-16 Molar Mass, Molecules & Avogadro's Number from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Hamish Irvine