Physics 4-29-13 Color

PHYSICS: Oh. My. Word! Can you believe it?!? Your very last lecture in high school physics! Wow!!

How’d you like playing with color? So now, why is an apple red? So….here’s the lecture on color – colors of light, and colors of pigment.

Don’t forget – lab books and Six Flags packet due Wednesday! Also, if you are going on the NHS service project, bring your physics book, cleaned out and erased!, to the room before you leave so that it can be checked. You can pick up your book Wednesday afternoon.

I still can’t believe it.


Hon Chemistry 4-29-13 Percent Yield

HON CHEMISTRY: So after I squeezed the microphone shut all period, I forgot to upload to Blip! So here’s an old lecture on percent yield. It’s the last of the applications of stoichiometry problems. Lots easier that limiting reactants, I think. You realize what we’ve done… we’ve finished the chapter!!