Lost Beneath the Comstock Load Project

How’s it going with the Lost Beneath the Comstock Load Project? Here are a few things to remember:

1. Your printer and the printer at your parents’ job will die/ run out of ink/ jam/ run out of paper/ explode, etc., so don’t wait until the last minute to print things out. And save, save, save, save, save, save, save, to several different places because your computer wants to eat your project!!

2. Make sure you make printed copies of the sources you use from the Internet and any books that aren’t in our library. Copy the first page and the page that you use, and highlight the portions that you use. Staple multiple pages.

3. Never use the URL in the internal documentation. Always use the title of the article or the heading of the website page, if it’s from the Internet.

4. What you had listed in your internal documentation should be the first thing you have written in each entry of your Works Cited. For example, the author, the name of the book, the Internet title, dictionary entry, etc. Never, never just include the URL for Internet sites in your Works Cited. Include the other important information as well.

5. Each time you mention one of the main 32 items in your paper, highlight it so it will be easy to see.

6. Your copied sources should be in the order that they occur in your paper. Your Works Cited entries should be in the order that they occur in your paper.

7. Make sure you write the internal documentation for your illustrations on your illustration and also in your paper. And don’t forget to include it in the Works Cited!

8. Double check to make sure you don’t have anything in the internal documentation that isn’t in your Works Cited, and vice versa.

May God bless you as you work!! I’m praying for you!!!