Hon Chemistry 10-24-11 Empirical Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Great start on empirical formulas today. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio. There’s a little added step you might have to add to the end – we’ll go over it tomorrow. Also tomorrow – molecular formulas.

flickr photo by Darwin Bell

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13 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 10-24-11 Empirical Formulas

  1. Can we have a help session next Mondayor Tuesday morning? I think some review of things we learned earlier in the chapter would help before the test.

  2. If you have a molecular formula, is it the same as the actual formula? For example, the empirical formula is the smallest ratio, but is the molecular formula the real ratio of the actual molecular compound?

  3. If you have a molecular formula, is it the same as the actual formula for the compound? For example, the empirical formula is the smallest ratio, but is the molecular formula the real ratio of the actual molecular compound?

    • Yes, the molecular formula is the actual formula of the compound, and the empirical formula is the smallest ratio, as you say.

  4. When we are working empirical formulas, is the mass(on the bottom of the problem) of the element you get from the periodic table, in grams or grams per mole?

    • Mikul – They were on the cabinet for you to pick up – did you have to leave early? There’s a copy attached to the post from Friday’s class if you need it, And don’t forget ALSO to do the end of chapter review (the standardized test prep at the very end of the chapter).

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