Chemistry 5-6-24 History of the Periodic Table & Overview of Blocks

CHEMISTRY: Great start to a new chapter – did you realize we did that?! Here’s our discussion of the history of the periodic table and a look at the properties of the groups of the periodic table. Now let’s investigate some of these elements in lab tomorrow!

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7 thoughts on “Chemistry 5-6-24 History of the Periodic Table & Overview of Blocks

  1. 1. Chemistry made me learn to be more focused on making sure I get all my work done and I grew in focusing more on completing homework
    2. Always pay attention and take good notes so you can have good study material and do all of the extra credit
    3. Doing all of my web post for the year

  2. I grew in chemistry by learning how i work best with studying for a test. I learned better study habits. My advice to future chemistry students is to make sure you do your homework and webpost. I think doing a kahoot or review could have helped me a little more this year.

  3. One thing that Chemistry helped me with was how to properly study for different classes. This helped me learn that you can make great grades but you just have to find the best way to study the material.
    My advice is this class is not as hard as people make it be. If you study and do your work you will be fine, but you need to put in effort to make a good grade.
    One thing I should have done differently was to stay on top of all the assignments. I would procrastinate when I would have four different assignments due on the same day.

  4. 1) Chemistry has taught me a new level of a good work ethic. Through that, I have also had to adapt to a balance.
    2) A piece of advice I can offer is to memorize the lists/symbols you are given on Ms. Skinner’s timeline because these things never go away in the year.
    3) I would take my notes differently, so that I have a more organized and clear system to study.

  5. 1. Something chemistry has taught me is to stay focused on any assignment, big or little because what you take in and learn matters, and will help you farther down the road.
    2. Advice I’d give to the younger students for next year would be do not procrastinate anything Ms Skinner gives you, and always make sure you do your webpost and memorize the Q Formula.
    3. A thing i’d change would be taking my notes differently, instead of using google docs, I think i’d retain more info while using paper.

  6. 1. Something that chemistry helped me grow in was to be focused on every assignment + don’t get distracted with other things, because its so easy to, and to prepare for tests like a few days before not the night before the test.
    2.Advise for other students for future years is to definitely do the homework + webposts bc they help your grade a ton. As Well as for the big project start the day you get, work a little each day on it so you won’t get stressed out or have pressure on your shoulders when it comes time to turn it in.
    3. I think something that could have been better would be going slower on parts of chemistry that require math for problems, especially for students whose math class is one of there weakest spots like me, but chemistry has taught me to not procrastinate and doubt myself!

  7. 1- It grew me by making me take better notes and having to study in advance for test instead of the night before.
    2-Do all of the homework, take good notes, and do not procrastinate. Don’t wait to do your project do it as soon as you get it.
    3-Do more labs I feel like I learned the most during the lab after we had taken notes on it.

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