Chemistry 4-4-24 Isotope Symbols with Ions & Average Atomic Mass

CHEMISTRY: Lot of numbers today! How are you doing on writing nuclear symbols and hyphen notation – and now we added ions? Can you can now use them to determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.?

Here’s our practice with that AND average atomic mass. 🙂

Photo by Markus Krisetya on Unsplash

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49 thoughts on “Chemistry 4-4-24 Isotope Symbols with Ions & Average Atomic Mass

  1. I would give myself 3/5 stars on my progress since I am right where I need to complete everything before the deadlines but I am not ahead in my work.

  2. So far I would rate myself 1/5 on the project. I have struggled to stay on task and keep up. But I have started to catch back up, and I am not worried about getting it done.

    • I rate myself a 3/5 because Im ahead of most of the student sin my class progress wise but I could even be more ahead if you go ahead a finish my paper so that I can just focus on the work cited last.

  3. I would rate myself a 1 out of five stars on the project so far. I have barely been able to finish before the deadlines, but I am trying to make progress daily.

  4. So far I would rate myself 4/5 stars so far. Im not quite as far as I would like, but I’m finished with my research and I am about halfway through my first section.

  5. I would rate myself a 2 out of 5 on this project. I am on task but I am still a little confused on what task I need to complete next. I will continue to follow directions and do my work.

  6. I would rate myself a 3/5 on my progress for the lost project so far because I think y work has been good and efficient but I’m going to be honest I have been procrastinating quite a bit and it has not been very helpful. I am going to make sure that I pick it up and do better this week though.

  7. I would rate myself a 3/5 on my progress for the lost project. I have been procrastinating and putting it off until something is due. I am going to do a lot of work on it over the weekend and hopefully make progress.

  8. I would rate myself a 4/5 for my progress on the project so far. The reason I would rate myself a 4/5 is because I have finish all the required due date documents with time to spare.

  9. I rate myself a 4/5. I am making great progress, but I did not do in text citation for the phase 2 worksheet.

  10. I would rate myself a 2/5 on my progress for the project so far. I feel very confused but i am going to do a lot this weekend and catch back up.

  11. I rate myself a 2/5 for the project so far I’m still kinda confused about it and I’m making decent progress but I definitely could be doing better if I understood it more.

  12. So far I would give myself a 2/5 for just not wanting to work when I have free time. I need to find more time so I can get it turned in well.

  13. Currently I would rate myself at a 3/5. I am only doing the timeline due dates when I know I should be doing more. However I understand what I am doing in the project.

  14. I would rate myself a 3/5 because I have been getting my stuff turned in by the deadline, but I am not ahead on my work

  15. So far I would rate myself a 3/5 because I have kept up with the timeline, and I have been able to complete and turn in all my assignments on time.

  16. I would rate myself a 3/5 on this project. I have been keeping up with assignments that have been due, and have had really good research on the items we were given.

  17. I would rate myself 2 out of 5 starts. I have waited till the last minute to do a lot of the work. But I will work harder to finish on time and will be ready by the next due date.

  18. I would rate myself a 4/5. I say this because I have been good at working on my project ahead of time and not having to be in a rush to meet the deadline.

  19. I would rate myself a 1/5 stars. I have not done the work that i should have done already with this project, and I’m not where I want to be at with progress.

  20. I would give myself a 2/5 so far for this project. Many times I’ve felt stuck and did not know where I should start or go next. Also that it is a lot of work and information to stay on top of and I am not where I want to be

  21. I would rate myself a 2/5 for the project so far because I have not been keeping up with it like i would like to.

  22. I would rate myself a 3/5 for my project. I kept up with my work, but not correctly. I always work a little bit ahead, but til the end I would procrastinate. I am slightly behind, but I will try to stay on top of my chemistry project.

  23. i would rate myself a 1/5. I have not been staying on top of my project and doing it. and i havent got myself caught up from me being sick

  24. I would rate myself a 2/5 stars because I have been setting aside working on it even though I have all of my ideas together. I will do better by prioritizing my project this weekend.

  25. I would rate myself a 2/5 because even though I did not wait until the last minute to do it, I got distracted by other things while I was working on it and I feel like I did not do it to the best of my ability. I am going to try to do better this time by working harder on it this weekend.

  26. I would rate myself 3.5/5 stars on this project so far. Although I had everything turned in on its due date , I still procrastinated in getting it done. I will improve this however, by setting aside designated work days to prevent this happening again.

  27. I would rate myself a 4/5 stars on the project. I have been able to stay on top of deadlines and get everything turned in on time, even though I have been starting later than recommended.

  28. I’m giving myself 4/5 on my project i have all of my research done but i could have done a little more work on getting better information for the items before,

  29. I would rate myself a 3/5 so far on the project. I have done everything on time and stayed on track. I haven’t been very thorough or gone into enough detail while doing it.

  30. I rate myself a 4/5 on my project progress. I feel like I am in a pretty good place right now. I need to make sure I add my in text citations next time though. I have also been working ahead on my sources slides too.

  31. I would give myself 3/5 stars on my completing assignment since I am right where I need to complete everything before the deadlines but I’m not doing them in advance and rushing to finish

  32. I would rate myself a 3/5 on this project so far. I have been able to mostly keep up with the deadlines and haven’t fallen behind yet.

  33. I would rate myself a 4/5, i have gotten all the due dates turned in! and have been using my time very wisely, i am learning along the way as well!!

  34. I would rate myself because I have been procrastinating too much, and really need to manage my time better. I’m going to start preparing more in advance.

  35. Reflecting on this week, I feel I’ve done well in chemistry, earning a strong 4 out of 5 stars. I’ve grasped the concepts we’ve learned really well. I’ve been pretty on top of things, understanding most topics. But, there’s still a bit of room for improvement, especially when it comes to participating more . Next week, I’m aiming for a five star week.

  36. I would give myself a 4/5 stars on the project so far. I have been able to meet all dead lines so far and I have stayed on top of my work. The only reason I am 4/5 stars is because there are a few things I should make more detailed.

  37. I would rate myself a 2/5 since I got very behind while I was out last week. But I did spend an entire day getting myself caught up and I’m making sure I don’t get behind again.

  38. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5. since i understood the concept of what we were learning through out the week. I could do better at making time for my project

  39. I would rate myself a three out of five for this week. I have done a good job paying attention in class and understand most of what is going on.

  40. So far I would rate myself 2/5, because I did good on the first one and even got a little ahead. However, the second one I did not do so well with following the instructions.

  41. I rate myself 4/5 because I picked up on the material really fast and did really well with taking notes in class.

  42. I would rate myself a 3/5 on my project so far because I feel as though I have been doing pretty good but not enough on it. I feel I need to put more effort into this project!

  43. 1/5, I’m trying my best on this thing. I keep working on it but i feel like everything i have on my work is all wrong

  44. 2/5 I feel like im so behind on everything I work on it all the time but im really struggling to stay up with everyone else.

  45. I would probable rate myself a 2.5/5 so far on this project. I have barley been keeping up and I have gotten a little unstuck but often feels stuck again. I turn the work in on time but its not fully completed so I just need to give myself more time and not take it for granted

  46. I would rate myself 4/5 stars on the lost project so far. I would rate myself so high because I’m ahead of most of my friends and ahead of most of my friends in honors too. I would like to be further than I am right now, but I feel I am making very good progress.

  47. This week I would rate myself a three out of five stars. I have made plans on what days I am going to do different parts of the project, so that I will not get behind. Even though I would like to be farther along right now, I am not behind.

  48. I rate myself a 3/5 so far. I have not been doing well with my sources or in text citation, but I finished before the deadline.

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