Hon Chemistry 4-4-24 Period, Block, Group, Type

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job today! Isn’t the periodic table an amazing thing? It will prove to be a very valuable tool for you! Are you starting to get the hang of using electron configuration to determine the ID of an element, and vice versa? And what about Noble gas notation? It’ll be waaaaaay easier now! Practice, practice!

Photo by Sen on Unsplash

Chemistry 4-4-24 Isotope Symbols with Ions & Average Atomic Mass

CHEMISTRY: Lot of numbers today! How are you doing on writing nuclear symbols and hyphen notation – and now we added ions? Can you can now use them to determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.?

Here’s our practice with that AND average atomic mass. 🙂

Photo by Markus Krisetya on Unsplash