Chemistry 1-11-24 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! Here’s our discussion from Thursday. Don’t you think that molecular formulas are just like writing empirical formulas but with a twist at the end!

Have you started preparing for the test? It will be over ALL of chapter – plus the small bit from chapter 3. Be sure and checked out the Stuff to Know sheet for all of chapter 7 under the Test Info tab!

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary

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46 thoughts on “Chemistry 1-11-24 Molecular Formulas

  1. This week I triumphed by absorbing the empirical and molecular formula well, and understanding how to work the problems.

  2. This week i triumphed in doing my homework on time and not procrastinating. I dedicated time to do it to my best effort.

  3. This week I would say I triumphed by doing well in taking really good notes and using those examples/steps we did in class to complete my homework assignments ,which I did better in completing diligently on time.

  4. I think I triumphed in paying attention in class more consistently and I applied the notes that I took to my homework.

  5. This week I triumphed in so many ways, but mainly just staying engaged in class by answering questions in class and asking questions whenever I need them.

  6. This week I triumphed in so many ways, but mainly just staying focused in class by answering questions in class and asking questions whenever I need them.

    • omg please don’t mind this I didn’t know this happened. Every time I sent one it said it didn’t work so I kept trying and I eventually gave up and then I came back to try again and I look to see that all of my messages went through when they didn’t.

  7. This week I triumphed in so many ways, but mainly just staying focused in class by answering and asking questions in class during the lessons.

  8. This week I achieved my goal by mainly just staying focused in class by answering and asking questions in class during the lessons.

  9. This week I achieved my goal by mainly just staying focused and doing my homework slowly and throughly to really understand it.

  10. This week I achieved my goal by mainly just staying focused in class and doing my homework slowly to really grasp the understanding.

  11. This week I achieved my goal by applying all the lessons I’ve learned from the last semester and applied to the lab activities.

  12. This week I obtained my goal by applying all the lessons I’ve learned from the last semester and applied to the lab activities.

  13. This week I triumphed in stating positive mentally through a long week. I stayed happy and focused throughout the week.

  14. This week I triumphed in learning the new formulas and learning how to do the problems that went with the formulas. I payed attention and wrote good notes to help me with being able to understand the formulas

  15. This week I triumphed by doing well with molecular formulas. I was able to pay attention in class during the lecture and look back at my notes while working on the homework.

  16. I triumphed by learning how to do molecular and empirical formulas. While also paying attention in class I was able to do my homework correctly.

  17. This week I triumphed by getting complicated word problems for the first time. I did this by paying attention in class and reading and comprehending the material. I did my homework quickly and I’m better remembering formulas easier.

  18. i triumphed by learning the empirical formula and molecular formula. i did this by doing my homework easily and getting it right.

  19. I did well on taking my notes and completing my homework because I followed the steps and payed close attention to the problems.

  20. This week I triumphed in completing my work and participating in class while we learn new formulas. I have really grown in chemistry class.

  21. This week i triumphed in taking notes and really learning from the homework and i didnt just do it to get it done. I also talked more in class and asked more questions.

  22. This week I triumphed with getting my homework done. I set a goal to do it at home instead of during study hall the day it’s due, and I’ve done good so far.

  23. This week I think I triumphed really well on catching on and understanding the new material quickly. I also have been really in top of homework and spending more time at home studying, doing extra problems, and looking over notes.

  24. This week I triumphed in keeping up with the material we learned this week and speaking out in class to make sure I knew the information.

  25. This week I have triumphed in managing my time and being able to learn the material at the pace I need. i made sure that I was taking good notes so i could do my homework and be able to do it ane learn from it.

  26. This week I would rate myself 3 out 5 stars. I could’ve studied way more, but I did well with everything else. I still need to work on being prepared more for tests and quizzes.

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