Chemistry 10-25-23 Chapter 1 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY – Are you ready? God bless you as you study! Here’s our overview of chapter 1 and the test – good stuff!!

Make sure you aren’t just reading your book and notes. First, memorize the facts, then go back and make sure you can apply the concepts. Study examples, make your own examples, practice making questions. And don’t forget, if you are getting lost with everything you need to know, or if you’re not sure how to study, Chapter 1 Stuff to Know Sheet under the Test Info tab.

If you want some interactive practice for the test (GREAT IDEA!!) here are a couple of great reviews from The Physics classroom. These are optional, so sign on as “Guest” if you want to do them:
Chemical vs. Physical Properties
Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids
States of Matter
Energy & Chemical Changes
Classification of Matter


Also remember there are great review games that are in the Student Premium section of the online textbook. You can do this – I believe in you! I’m praying for you!!

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66 thoughts on “Chemistry 10-25-23 Chapter 1 Test Overview

  1. Why does water boil in a paper cup? You may ask. Well because energy transfers from things with higher energy to things with lower energy. Therefore the energy from the flame goes to the water instead of the cup. Because water has a lower energy than the cup.

  2. what is the difference between intensive and extensive?
    extensive properties depend on the amount of matter in an object
    intensive properties depend on the type of matter in an object

  3. What is the difference between a heterogeneous mixture and a homegeneous mixture?
    In a heterogeneous mixture you can tell that there are multiple components that make up the mixture while in a homegenous mixture it appears uniform throughout or one substance where yiu can’t tell it has different components in it

  4. Why does water boil in a paper cup? Water boils in a paper cup because the heat transfers from the flame to the cup and the cup to the water. The reason that happens is because water is a great insulator, so the heat spreads throughout the water’s entire volume. The boiling point points of water is lower than the ignition point of paper, so the paper will not be able to ignite till all the water is evaporated.

  5. What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic? Endothermic reactions absorb energy. And exothermic reactions give off energy!

  6. This article talks about how seaweed can help coral reefs survive. Some types of seaweed release compounds that protect coral reefs from the harmful effects of climate change. This discovery could potentially help a lot with preserving these underwater ecosystems.

  7. Scientists have found a new whale that weighs more than a Blue whale. The fossils of this animal was found in Peru, which contains 13 vertebrae. While they are researching this animal they have not been able to find a skull yet, to tell us what kind of predator it was.

  8. “Scientist say: periodic table”

    The periodic table is very known in the sense that it is made up of all known chemical elements. During the mid-1800s, many chemists looked for patterns that explained how elements interact. At the end of 2018, chemists confirmed four elements that had never been observed before. That brought the number of known elements to 118 and completed the 7th row of the table.

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