Chemistry 5-4-23 Quantum Model of the Atom & Quantum Numbers

CHEMISTRY: Great job with quantum numbers today! Wow, it was a lot. Confused yet?

Don’t worry! Today you learned all the background information about quantum numbers and what they mean. Tomorrow we will begin putting it all together 🙂

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27 thoughts on “Chemistry 5-4-23 Quantum Model of the Atom & Quantum Numbers

  1. This week, I struggled to focus in class. One reason being that I am already in the mindset for school to be over. I can fix this by pushing through the next couple of weeks and preparing for my exam.

  2. This week I struggled studying for the test. I did not feel very motivated because I am getting lazy and ready for school to be over. I can fix this by pushing through and studying in advance and being more motivated for the next test.

  3. My biggest struggle this week was probably studying for my test. I have felt overwhelmed these past few weeks getting ahead of my work and I just put it to the side until last minute. I also forgot to do my webpost last week which is not helping my grade. I will work on this by studying farther in advance for our next test.

  4. This week, i have struggled with spacing out my studying for the chemistry test instead of doing all of my studying in one night. I will fix this by getting in the habit of studying at least 3 days before the test, and I will stop procrastinating.

  5. This week I struggled with staying motivated with homework and studying. I should have studied more for the test. I’m going to fix this by staying strong until the end of the year and remembering to do my work and studying.

  6. My biggest struggle this week was finding time to study with me having soccer and playoffs. So I didn’t do great on the test because I didn’t study as much as I should.

  7. This week I struggled with a lot with studying for my chemistry test that I didn’t do so well on. But for next time I know I had to study days in advance and not one day ahead. I also did struggle with getting web post done I had a funeral to go too which affected me not getting it done on time. I also had a lot of other work to do in other classes not just chemistry. It’s been a lot but I’m trying to keep on going and I know with God I will be good.

  8. This week I have struggled with motivation. Since it’s getting close to summer I’ve recently lost most of my motivation for my work. This has made me not finish some of my work and not study to the best of my abilities. I will work on this by powering through the next couple of weeks, and by telling myself that I only have to work hard for two more weeks.

  9. This week I struggled with studying for my test. I’m a horrible procrastinator, and with summer being close it’s worse than ever. To end the year, I am going to try to finish strong.

  10. This week I struggled a lot with Thursday night’s homework. However, we reviewed in class on Friday and I understand the material really well now.

  11. This week I struggled with time to study for my chemistry test. Getting home late every night from baseball really made it a hard time for me to study for this test.

  12. This week the main thing I struggled with was studying for the test. I should have spent more time studying and rewatching the vodcasts.

  13. This week, I struggled with taking notes. I could have done much better this week at taking Chem notes. Luckily I got them from others and now I understand what we’re doing.

  14. This week, I struggled with taking notes. I could have done much better this week at taking Chem notes. Luckily I got them from others and now I understand what we’re doing in class.

  15. This week I struggled on the test. I missed too many multiple choice and did a problem entirely wrong. I will need to study harder for the upcoming test if I want a good grade.

  16. This week I struggled with studying for my test and often found myself burned out and distracted. I will study earlier and more in preparation for the next test.

  17. This week I struggled in studying for my test. I made it a goal to make As on all my tests this semester and I haven’t made one yet. I was using the excuse of track and being tired to not study. I will make an A on this last test and study no matter what.

  18. This week I struggled with forgetting about the test until the day before and not having enough time to study thus getting a bad grade on it when I should have done a lot better

  19. This week, I struggled with preparing for the test. I’d waited too late to begin preparing for it and I wasn’t as prepared as I wanted to be. I also struggled with understanding some of the concepts in the lesson this week. However, I will work to do better by preparing for the test and watching the lectures again so that I will continue to learn and improve on my application.

  20. This week, I struggled with preparing for the test. I’d waited too late to begin preparing for it and I wasn’t as prepared as I wanted to be. I also struggled with understanding some of the concepts in the lesson this week. However, I will work to do better by preparing earlier for the test and watching the lectures again so that I will continue to learn and improve on my application.

  21. This week I struggled studying for the test. I felt like I didn’t pay as much attention during this chapter because I was so stressed about the project. I plan on fixing this by focusing more on this chapter and really working hard to do well on the next test.

  22. This week I struggled with getting back my test. I studied really hard for this test and did not score how I was hoping. I am now struggling staying motivated to finish this year strong.

  23. This week, I have been struggling to focus on the lectures and notes. I’ve been tired and drained out recently. I can fix my struggle by having a weekend to rest and understanding my notes.

  24. This week i struggled with time management and preparing for my test. I studied but i did not give myself enough time to really memorize it for long term.

  25. This week I struggled on my test and made a poor grade. I also could’ve done better on my homework.

  26. My biggest struggle this week was finding time to study for our test. I have been feeling very overwhelmed with the workload of school and other activities. I didn’t put enough effort into studying, and my grade showed it. I can fix this by managing my time better these last few weeks of school.

  27. My struggle for this week was procrastinating and learning the orbitals. I procrastinated to study on the test and work extra on practice problems to help prepare me.

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