2nd Period Chem Half-Life Simulation Lab

Hey guys – this is where 2nd Period Chemistry posts results for the Half-Life Simulation lab. You’ll just list your data from the first data table as a comment – just like you comment every week, except this time you are just listing the data from the first data table.

Don’t forget that your results must be posted by Wednesday, April 26, 8:00 A.M. The lab report is due by 8:00 A.M. on Monday, May 2 – save as a PDF to both your Google Drive Chemistry Shared folder AND turnitin.com.

Remember, you don’t have to use candies; you may use coins or anything else that has two sides. Please note that you are to post the number of “radioactive” nuclides remaining after each toss.

Just to clarify, everything on the lab sheets will go in your lab report on that you will post on Google Drive: Title, Objective, Procedure, Observations (with data table), Conclusion, and Questions. Don’t forget that your graph needs to be either a full page graph that you do on Excel or a similar program, or you can draw a full page graph on graph paper, scan a very clean, sharp copy and copy it into your lab report. And don’t forget that the analysis questions, calculations, graph, etc., go after your conclusion.

Happy counting – and wait until AFTER the lab to snack!! 🙂

flickr photo by Jared Browarnik

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18 thoughts on “2nd Period Chem Half-Life Simulation Lab

  1. Before Toss: 200
    1st Toss: 96
    2nd Toss: 48
    3rd Toss: 28
    4th Toss: 12
    5th Toss: 5
    6th Toss: 2
    7th Toss: 1
    8th Toss: 0

  2. Before toss: 200
    1st toss: 88
    2nd toss: 44
    3rd toss: 22
    4th toss: 11
    5th toss: 5
    6th toss: 2
    7th toss: 1
    8th toss: 1
    9th toss: 0

  3. Before toss: 200
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 1: 158
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 2: 123
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 3: 93
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 4: 55
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 5: 35
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 6: 29
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 7: 20
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 8: 14
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 9: 8
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 10: 4
    Radioactive nuclei after toss 11: 2
    Radioactive nuclei after toss: 1
    Radioactive nuclei after toss: 0

  4. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 107
    Toss 2: 49
    Toss 3: 28
    Toss 4: 20
    Toss 5: 19
    Toss 6: 15
    Toss 7: 10
    Toss 8: 6
    Toss 9: 4
    Toss 10: 1
    Toss 11: 0

  5. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 92
    Toss 2: 49
    Toss 3: 24
    Toss 4: 11
    Toss 5: 5
    Toss 6: 3
    Toss 7: 2
    Toss 8: 2
    Toss 9: 1
    Toss 10: 1
    Toss 11: 0

    • Toss : Number of radioactive nuclei
      Toss 0 : 200
      Toss 1 : 108
      Toss 2 : 59
      Toss 3 : 32
      Toss 4 : 16
      Toss 5 : 9
      Toss 6 : 6
      Toss 7 : 3
      Toss 8 : 1
      Toss 9 : 1
      Toss 10 : 0

  6. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 97
    Toss 2: 56
    Toss 3: 23
    Toss 4: 14
    Toss 5: 7
    Toss 6: 2
    Toss 7: 2
    Toss 8: 1
    Toss 9: 0

  7. Toss Number of Radioactive Nuclei Prediction
    0 200 82
    1 113 56
    2 51 18
    3 24 10
    4 15 5
    5 10 4
    6 9 6
    7 5 3
    8 2 2
    9 1 1
    10 1 0
    11 0 0

  8. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 106
    Toss 2: 59
    Toss 3: 32
    Toss 4: 24
    Toss 5: 13
    Toss 6: 7
    Toss 7: 6
    Toss 8: 2
    Toss 9:1
    Toss 10: 0

  9. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 125
    Toss 2: 74
    Toss 3: 49
    Toss 4: 40
    Toss 5: 27
    Toss 6: 20
    Toss 7: 18
    Toss 8: 14
    Toss 9: 11
    Toss 10: 10
    Toss 11: 7
    Toss 12: 4
    Toss 13: 2
    Toss 14:0

  10. Before toss: 200 radioactive
    1st toss: 110 radioactive
    2nd toss: 53 radioactive
    3rd toss: 25 radioactive
    4th toss: 15 radioactive
    5th toss: 10 radioactive
    6th toss: 4 radioactive
    7th toss: 3 radioactive
    8th toss:1 radioactive
    9th toss: 0 radioactive

  11. Before Tosses: 200
    1st Toss: 102
    2nd Toss: 60
    3rd Toss: 34
    4th Toss: 22
    5th Toss: 17
    6th Toss: 13
    7th Toss: 7
    8th Toss: 5
    9th Toss: 2
    10th Toss: 1
    11th Toss: 0

  12. Toss Number, Number of Radioactive Nuclei, Prediction for next toss,:
    0, 200, 115
    1,99, 54
    2, 44, 27
    3, 28, 15
    4, 17, 9
    5, 7, 3
    6, 1, 2
    7, 3, 2
    8, 0, 1
    9, 1, 0

  13. Toss Number , Numbers of radioactive of nuclei, Prediction for next toss:
    0, 200, 106,
    1, 98, 54
    2, 46, 24
    3, 28, 17
    4, 16, 9
    5, 7, 3
    6, 4, 2
    7, 1, 1
    8, 0, 0

  14. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 106
    Toss 2: 52
    Toss 3: 28
    Toss 4: 13
    Toss 5: 9
    Toss 6: 5
    Toss 7: 3
    Toss 8: 3
    Toss 9: 2
    Toss 10: 0

  15. Before Toss: 200
    Toss 1: 157
    Toss 2: 92
    Toss 3: 74
    Toss 4: 59
    Toss 5: 33
    Toss 6: 16
    Toss 7: 10
    Toss 8: 4
    Toss 9: 3
    Toss 10: 3
    Toss 11: 0

  16. Before 1st toss: 200
    1st toss: 104
    2nd toss: 49
    3rd toss: 27
    4th toss: 13
    5th toss: 08
    6th toss: 05
    7th toss: 02
    8th toss: 00

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