Hon Chemistry 4-11-22 History of the Periodic Table & Overview of Blocks

HON CHEMISTRY: Great start to a new chapter! Here is our discussion of the history of the periodic table and a short intro to each of the blocks of the periodic table.

I love that you are going to be learning to research some really cool stuff about the elements on the Periodic Table. We’ll start that tomorrow with the Reverse Scavenger Hunt. I’ll copy that for you.

Physics 4-11-22 Sound Intensity and Resonance

PHYSICS: All kinds of ways to make music! And great discussion of intensity and resonance! Were you okay with the problems?

Couple of items to apply for further contemplation – so how does the whole hearing thing work? I mean, I know the little bones in your ear move, but why? Is resonance involved? Great item for application/discussion!

flickr photo by Morning Guitar

Chemistry 4-11-22 Intro to Radioactivity

CHEMISTRY: Great start to a new chapter! I think you’ll be surprised how much nuclear chemistry is already a part of your everyday life. Also now you know where E=mc2 came from!!

By the way, you ought to read about the life of Marie Cure when you get a chance. Fascinating woman of science with an incredible story!