In the future, you will probably be taking online classes where you will have to be part of online class discussion groups, and you’ll be graded on your comments and how you participate. Are you having a knowing where to post your web post comment or understanding what a good web post comment is?
Here is a plan that will help you! Your goal is to have STAR Web Post Comments. Hokey title, but maybe it will stick! Click here on the STAR Web Post Comments Idea Sheet under the Worksheets/Handouts tab for ideas for good comments that will receive credit.
Here are some hints:
IMPORTANT: Make double dog sure you write your name in your web post the correct way. If your name/heading is not written correctly, you will not receive any credit for making the web post. Check an earlier syllabus for instructions on how to write your name.
Here’s what you do to post a web post comment:
- Click on the title of any web post from the week that I have made for your class.
- Scroll to the very bottom of it where it says “Leave a Reply” – you may have to scroll past comments from other people, but you can reply to those also!
- Enter your name correctly (check your syllabus) and your email.
- Type in your comment (see the info above.)
- Type in the Anti Spam characters in the space provided.
- Click Post Comment and you are done!