Physics 11-1-18 Friction & Normal Force

PHYSICS: Why don’t things that are moving just keep moving? Here is our intro on friction from today. Homework UPDATE for Thursday night: Pg. 146 – 149: 30, 32, 35, 37 – 39, 45, 47, 49

Remember a few key things. One of the most important – net forces produce acceleration.

You can find Ff a couple of different ways – it’ll be part of a net force equation and can be found from the coefficient of friction equation. If and ONLY if your object is moving at a constant velocity, Ff will equal Fa. Fn is only sometimes equal to Fw. If your object is pulled at any angle (or pushed), Fn will be a part of Fnet in the vertical direction.

Whew! 🙂

flickr photo by kbaird

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7 thoughts on “Physics 11-1-18 Friction & Normal Force

  1. This week has been full of PHYSICS!! It feels like almost everyday I’ve had to come during study hall or work-outs to work on some lab… but the good news is that we got 4% error on the inertia lab!!!! It was our third try, and I don’t know what we would have done next had it not worked. But it did! With each time, we learned and made adjustments to get closer and closer. And then there’s capstone… I’m still getting used to the program, which isn’t surprising since I’m technologically challenged, but I’m sure with practice I’ll get much more comfortable with it all 🙂 But thank you Ms. Skinner for always challenging me and helping me learn more about the crazy world we live in!

  2. WE FINALLY FINISHED OUR LAB! My group REALLY struggled with calculating mass from inertia. Everytime we thought we had it… we didn’t. I’m so super proud of our teamwork though. It took a lot of determination, communication, and especially analyzing to figure out what was going wrong and how we could do better. I also finally figured out the Zorba problem on my own. So, there’s been a lot of learning going on this week!! I’ve learned there’s pretty much ALWAYS a way (or 5) to solve a problem, it just isn’t always outright evident how to get to the solution. The key is not to be frustrated. Also, I’ve made a mental note to take detailed records when doing labs! That means of course writing down measurements/calculations and labeling them clearly, but also notes on our procedure in case we need to make alterations or need to compare results from multiple procedures.

  3. This week has been quite a success for me! I’ve done a good job with not getting frustrated when I get confused on something, but rather just making a mental note to come back and review it. I am really enjoying the capstone lab, which is surprising given I absolutely hate technology. This weekend is going to be extremely busy for me with college visits and loads of labs that I of course procrastinated on, so that should be fun! (:

  4. This week was alright for me in physics. I did not feel great about last night’s homework and got a lot of them wrong. I did however feel much better after discussing them in class, so maybe when I rework them it will go much more smoothly. I am very happy Gigi and I were able to get the inertia lab done also! Our first try we were way off, but after redoing some of our data we finally were able to get 6% error. Now I just have to do my lab reports this weekend!

  5. This week in Physics, I have been out a lot. Although I haven’t been there, I have kept up with the vodcasts and feel confident that I can catch up this weekend. Even with the absences, I feel like the videos are helping tremendously.

  6. We got all our labs done yayyyy!!! Now just to write them all up. The capstone lab wasn’t too bad doing but we had a few problems with the laptop. It wasn’t major and we eventually got it done right! To me this week went well and the conceptual stuff makes sense, I just have a little trouble figuring it out myself but I do know what is happening.

  7. I had a very challenging week in physics. I have struggled with this homework and with the labs. I need to be more organized with my work and stop procrastinating. I hope that as I rework the homework problems that I will begin to understand them.

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