Chemistry 8-30-18 Conversion Factors

CHEMISTRY: Great job with our start on using conversion factors to work problems! Hopefully this was a review from your earlier academic life. We’ll crank it up a notch tomorrow!! 😉

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!)

Make sure you practice using your notes tonight, it’ll help you remember the steps we followed today in class!

If you need more practice on these or other problems, what about a HELP SESSION?

flickr photo by vnysia

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32 thoughts on “Chemistry 8-30-18 Conversion Factors

  1. i rate myself a 3/5 this week. i struggled a little with the conversions quiz, i feel like if i had studied a little more i might have done better. i think i did pretty well learning the scientific notations and some units though.

    • L Gagliano C3

      i rate myself a 3/5. i am still kinda struggling with the sig figs and significant numbers but i am taking notes and listening in class to understand more. When we started with the si units i totally forgotten about it over the summer, (i went to the help session) which helped alot, letting me get a 100 on the quiz.

      • i rate myself a 3/5. i am still kinda struggling with the sig figs and significant numbers but i am taking notes and listening in class to understand more. When we started with the si units i totally forgotten about it over the summer, (i went to the help session) which helped alot, letting me get a 100 on the quiz.

  2. This week had its ups and downs. I re-learned the SI units, and now I feel like they have stuck more in my head than last time. This does not apply to chemistry, but I got fitted For my Dance shoes this week, and that kept me together. I love to dance. We also came back from victory Ranch this week which was interesting, and a lot of drama has gone on. I’m excited for next week. Another exciting week in chemistry, another week at school, just another week. I rate Myself this week a 2/5. It has just been a rough week.

  3. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this week. When we first started going over the SI units, I had no idea what I was doing…. I re learned the SI units and went to a help session (which really really helped), so that helped me to do better on the quiz.

  4. I rate myself 3/5this week. I really struggled with the conversions but the SI system was pretty easy and so was learning how to count sig figs.

  5. This week was not easy. At first, I struggled with the SI units and conversions, but with more practice, it became easier. I did pretty good on the quiz this week so I would rate myself a 3/5 this week.

  6. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. I should have definitely studied the SI Units more than I did. But all and all this week wasn’t bad.

  7. I am struggling with making sure I format everything correctly. A big issue is checking myself every time I write something to see if I wrote it right. I will have to learn to get used to checking myself everytime I do something in chemistry.

  8. I rate myself a 3/5 for this week. I stressed over some drama at the beginning of the week, which caused me not to focus on my work as much as I needed to. I didn’t understand the conversions for the SI units at first but i think I’m starting to understand it more. I’m ready for a new week to begin so I can focus on my work.

  9. i rate myself a 4/5 this week. i was very happy i remembered the convertions very well and i did good on them. I should have studied more for the SI quiz.

  10. I rate myself a 2/5 this week because I didn’t study the conversion factors as much as I needed to. But on the other hand i think I get converterting units pretty well now.

  11. I would rate myself a 2/5 this week I felt like I understood the notes in class but struggled on the quiz. I struggled to convert independently, but hope to do better in the future.

  12. This week I rate myself a 4/5 this week. Without learning the formulas, conversion factors, and SI units this week I know I would fail. Although they were tough to remember at first and I’m not a fan of showing all my work I know this will help me in the long run. Overall this was a pretty good week in chemistry

  13. I rate myself 3/5 for this week. I feel like I could have studied more and asked more questions about the SI system. I hope to do better next week.

  14. i rate myself a 4 out of 5 for this week because i listened fully in class and did my best on the homework from this week.

  15. i rate myself a 3 out of 5 this week because i kept messing up the homework format, but everything else i believe i did okay in

  16. I am going to have to give myself a 3/5 this week. I started the week out unprepared which put me behind in my schoolwork. However, I do feel that I bounced back towards the end and I am now better prepared for the future.

  17. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I made a good grade on my quiz, I studied and went to the help session, but I have so much more to learn and apply which means more studying and focus.

  18. I rate myself 4/5 this week. I knew most of the SI measurements from IPC last year. Wish I didn’t second guess my self of the quizzes this week and I believe I understand how to do the Q formula.

  19. I had some triumph this week with re learning how to do conversation and sig figs. Since 8th grade I had forgotten how to convert but this week’s practice I got better. I know have a better understanding of working the problem, but I will definitely keep practicing on it.

  20. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. I mainly struggled with the conversions quiz. I think if i would have payed more attention it would’ve helped with studying. Even though learning about the conversions were hard I think I have a better understanding of them.

  21. This has been a very challenging week. I have learned how to do conversions and I am still struggling with remembering all of the units and what I can do to save time and steps. But I have made a promise to myself that by the test I will be able to do them. So this week I rate myself a 2/5.

  22. I rate myself a 4/5 this week. I’m most proud of my eventual grasping of conversion factors, which were quite an intimidating obstacle to tackle. However, I wish I could say the same for the sig figs, which are still a bit tricky. All I need is a little practice.

  23. I rate myself a 2/5, because until Thursday all the math made absolutley no sense to me and I felt like I was exercising futility. Now It’s starting to click more the more we do it in and out of class.

  24. I rate myself a 2/5 on this week on sig figs. They were difficult to learn and remember but after the hw and practice in class, it all started to come together.

  25. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. I understand conversions really well and have taken good notes this week on what we learned. However, I struggled with reading the directions all the way through and/or listening to them. I also need to manage my time throughout the week better.

  26. This week I are myself a 3/5. It has been a challenging couple of days because i haven’t seen many of the conversion problems in a couple of years. Hopefully in couple of days it will start to come back to me.

  27. I would rate myself a 4/5 because I have caught onto the concepts well and learned a lot this week. I feel like I can do well with converting from now on.

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