Physics 10-3-23 Jumping on the Moon & a Rocket Problem – #59 & #62

PHYSICS: Great work today! Are you thinking better on these “advanced” angular projectile motion problems?

The mic batteries died after about 10 minutes, so you get a bonus post from last year. First here’s discussion on #59 – jumping on the moon. I’m curious though, is there an easier way? After that is part a on #62, the rocket problem. What about b & c? Do you think you could tackle the rest now? And here’s a thought – is it really super hard or more so it just has a ton of little steps that all finally come together? Are you using the formulas or are you letting them use you? Use your formulas to tell a story. And make sure it makes sense!!

flickr photo by jurvetson

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3 thoughts on “Physics 10-3-23 Jumping on the Moon & a Rocket Problem – #59 & #62

  1. This week has been rough. I studied vectors over the weekend, and I’m glad I did because the new concepts we’ve been learning are very meticulous and complex. Even if I don’t do good on the test, I will tell myself that it is okay because I’ve tried my best and learned how to think critically, combine concepts, and use formulas in ways I haven’t before. I don’t want this to take away from me trying to get a good grade, but in the end, I want to have learned and gained new skills from this challenging chapter.

  2. This week has been rough. I studied vectors over the weekend, and I’m glad I did because the new concepts we’ve been learning are very complex. Even if I don’t do good on the test, I want to tell myself that it is okay because I’ve tried my best and learned how to think critically, combine concepts, and use formulas in ways I haven’t before. I think I failed the test, which isn’t the end of the world but I know part of it is because I didn’t have enough time/I didn’t spend enough time working on the same problems over and over again. Next time I’ll try to budget my time better and not psych myself out during the test.

  3. This week was very busy, as I found most of my time to be consumed by doing homework and practicing vector problems. I thought I had a firm grasp of the concepts of this chapter; however, when I actually took the test I panicked and did not perform as well on some of the problems as I thought I would. I don’t think I did that well on the test, but the experience showed me that next time I should familiarize myself with the concepts more and remain calm during the test so that I can have a clearer train of thought and figure out problems with less difficulty.

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