Chemistry – SI Quiz Info

CHEMISTRY: Great week! Are you remembering what you’ve learned in the past about measuring using the SI system?

Speaking of remembering – how about that SI Quiz? Make sure you are actively studying these things:

Everything in the SI Prefixes chart: symbol, exponent, meaning, and how many in one of a larger one. For example, 1 L is how many cL?
SI fundamental and derived quantities and their symbols
SI fundamental and derived units, their symbols, and the quantity they measure
SI standard unit for all the quantities

This is important information you’ll need for the quiz and also for ALL year long!

Hon Chemistry 8-18-23 Accuracy/Precision & Significant Figures

HON CHEMISTRY: Great week! And great job today remembering significant figures! Now can you go forth and apply the rules?

Speaking of remembering – how about that SI Quiz? Make sure you are actively studying these things:

Everything in the SI Prefixes chart: symbol, exponent, meaning, and how many in one of a larger one. For example, 1 L is how many cL?
SI fundamental and derived quantities and their symbols
SI fundamental and derived units, their symbols, and the quantity they measure
SI standard unit for all the quantities

flickr photo by Igor Spasic