Chemistry 5-1-23 Chapters 3A & 21 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY: God bless you as you practice for the test. Be careful and don’t take the test for granted! SUPER IMPORTANT – Use the Chapter 3A and the 21 Stuff to Know sheet as a guide for what you are memorizing and practicing.

Here is the test overview from today. Bottom line? Memorize everything and practice everything! And did I mention, PRACTICE!! God bless you! I’ll be praying!!

flickr photo by jim pennucci

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28 thoughts on “Chemistry 5-1-23 Chapters 3A & 21 Test Overview

  1. Something I have struggled with is memorizing everything on the chapter we have been going over. To memorize everything, I made flash cards to get everything in my brain.

  2. This week I struggled with memorization for the test. I waited until the last minute to study for the test, and I missed a lot of school, so the test did not go as well as I would have liked. I hope to work harder on the next test and bring up my average, so I can end the year strong.

  3. This week I struggled with the half life problems. I think the reason was because I didn’t fully understand how to set it up at the beginning. To help this, I went back over my notes before the test and looked at how to work the problems out, and I felt more confident and prepared for the test today. I also made sure to fully work out the problems we did in class yesterday on half life.

  4. This week I struggled with being prepared for the chemistry test. I wasn’t prepared, because after the chemistry project, I didn’t allow myself to focus on anything else chemistry related because I believed that I needed a mental break from chemistry. However, since I procrastinated my studying for my chemistry test, it only gave me more mental stress last night and today. Therefore, I know next time for any subject to not allow myself to give up on an upcoming test or anything else just because of a big project or lesson.

  5. This week I struggled with procrastination. I heavily procrastinated with studying for our test. I have had time I just have put off study time. I can get better at procrastinating by setting a certain amount of time per day to sit down and study. I remembered to do all my assignments and do my web post this week.

  6. This week I struggled with memorizing the scientists and what they did. I tried my best to learn them but it took a lot of work. I also struggles with the half life problems, but I understand them a little bit better now. I can keep practicing to make sure I know them for the exam.

  7. Something I struggled with was remembering all of the units for measuring radiation and radiation exposure. I also had some trouble with the scientists and their important theories and discoveries. I overcame these struggled by studying earlier, so i had plenty of time to remember what I needed

  8. This week I struggled with remembering to study for my test early. I found myself studying last minute on Sunday and Monday night. I also struggled with trying to get all of the info that I missed from the home missions trip or even just forgetting to watch the videos.

  9. This week I struggled studying for my test and knowing all of the scientists. When I was taking the test I realized I didnt know most of the scientists or what they did. I also found myself procrastinaing until last night to study

  10. This week I struggled with studying for the test, and I didn’t realize it was so much info until like 2 nights ago. I really want to study way harder and organize my study time for the next test, so I can finish off strong this year.

  11. This week in chemistry, I have struggled with keeping up with all of the work, along with homework for other classes. I am usually very organized, but I think these past few weeks have thrown me off a little. I can work on this by trying to get organized again and write assignments down to remind myself.

  12. This week I struggled with remembering the formula for half-life problems on my test. When studying I focused mainly on notes and facts since most of the test was multiple choice. I should have reviewed more problems.

  13. This week I struggled with staying motivated to study for the test. There’s was a lot to memorize and I should have started studying earlier than I did. I studied more for some sections than others and I didn’t have a good balance.

  14. This week I struggled with staying focused while studying. I kept getting distracted and realized that I was really just reading my notes rather than studying them. For the next test, I am going to remove all possible distractions.

  15. This week I struggled with being prepared for the test. I had forgotten to check the syllabus so I started behind and then procastionated studying until it was too late. For the next test I plan on studying ahead of time so that I don’t stress about it.

  16. My struggle this week was studying for the chemistry test. I did not give my best efforts when studying, therefore I do not feel confident in my test. As the year comes to a close, I am slowly losing motivation to study and complete assignments. I am trying to fix this by doing bits and pieces of work at a time so I don’t get burnt out as quickly. I have also been asking God to help me push through this year, because I know I definitely cannot do it on my own.

  17. I struggled with studying for the test. I thought I had prepared enough and I think i did fine; I just know I did not give it my best. I wish I would have studied more in advanced sine it was so much material. I will review the material when it is given so I can build my knowledge and not stress before the next test.

  18. This week I struggled with staying on top of my work and catching back up from the days I missed. Next time I won’t wait until last minute to get caught back up.

  19. This week in chemistry I struggled with studying. I always procrastinate and wait to study and do my work at the last minute. I also don’t study very well and that results in me not being able to apply the information well on tests. I am going to start making flash cards and doing practice problems to help me study better. I will also set timers to know when to take a break and when to study so I won’t wait til the last minute. That why I won’t procrastinate and I will be able to apply the information better on tests

  20. This week I struggled with managing. I had a lot of tests, quizzes, and homework this week, not to mention working on things for the YMCA and my other job. It’s been very hectic and stressful but I’ve been working on better study habits.

  21. This week I struggled with doing my web post in time I also struggled with getting all the information I need for the test this led to me having ti rewatch all the vodcast. One of the ways I plan to fix this is to make sure ti take good notes and get everything I need so I don’t have to search and ask people for notes. I can also make sure to do my webpost on time by setting a reminder every week because not doing the last one had a bad impact on my average.

  22. This week I struggled with time management. I did not give myself enough time to fully study for the test and be prepared to the best of my ability. Time management has been something I have been trying to work on the whole year when it comes to chemistry so therefore I plan to give myself plenty of time to study and be prepared for the next test.

  23. This week I struggled with studying for the test and remembering homework. Lack of sleep this week has also not helped much.

  24. I really struggled with being prepared for class everyday. I come in distracted and not really paying attention. I have spent the entire year laser focused until this week.

  25. This week I really struggled with wanting to study for the Chem test. Since we haven’t had one for a long time it just felt harder than usual.

  26. This week I struggled with putting the proper amount of time towards studying for my test. Although it wasn’t the worst grade, I could’ve done a lot better on it. Because of this I will continue to work on my time management skills, and cut down on my procrastination.

  27. my struggle this week was the memorization for the test,, i didn’t prepare as much as i should have

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