Hon Chemistry 11-15-22 Empirical & Molecular Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Now that you know how to write chemical formulas, you are going to be amazed at what you can do with them! I love the way you are able to think through what you know and what you need to find a solution. Today you are going to use that to find empirical formulas and molecular formulas all by yourself – well, almost by yourself. 🙂

Be sure and practice – if you don’t it’ll get all turned around and you’ll end up leaving off an important step. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio.

Are you starting to catch on to the steps? It will be good for you to memorize them, but would it not be just tons better to understand why you need each step – backwards and forwards, so then you wouldn’t need to memorize them at all!

And then, also remember what molecular formulas are – just a multiple of the empirical formula. Keep that concept in mind, and you’ll have no problem remembering to divide the molecular formula mass by the empirical formula mass to find X! Easy peasy! 🙂

flickr photo by Darwin Bell

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9 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 11-15-22 Empirical & Molecular Formulas

  1. I triumphed this week in naming binary covalent compounds. The reason I picked it up fast is because I participated I. answering class questions rather than just taking notes. This shows that I learn better by being engaged in class rather than on the board.

  2. This week I have triumphed in properly using the Q formula. The first time we were introduced to this formula I was confused on how to do it. This time I’ve been able to properly convert mass to moles.

  3. My triumph this week in chemistry was understanding the new formulas we’re learning. I have been able to do my homework successfully and understand how to work problems in class. I’m proud of my progress of being able to pick up new formulas and problems faster.

  4. This week my triumph was practicing problems with the formulas we have learned and understanding them! I did all of my homework right and even if I had trouble with a problem I was able to figure out what I did wrong and fix my mistake.

  5. My triumph for the week is learning how to apply all the steps to the new formulas we have learned. I was able to do this by looking back over my notes and working on practice problems for all the different formulas.

  6. M’y triumph this week was understanding the homework m, in the past I havent understood all of the concepts well enough and therefor struggled doing the homework but I have understood almost all of the homework this week

  7. My triumph this week is being able to not totally switch to break mode until I’ve prepared for assignments coming up. I’ve accomplished this by looking at the fun things I want to do and being able to plan out my week and break.

  8. My triumph for this week was being able to understand and apply the new formulas we learned. The more I practiced through the homework the better I got, and the better I understood what I was doing.

  9. My triumph this week was using the Q formula properly and getting problems correct. I have gotta more skillful at solving moles and molecular formula aswell, and the more I practiced, the better I got.

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