Web Post Comments & Ideas

In the future, you will probably be taking online classes where you will have to be part of online class discussion groups, and you’ll be graded on your comments and how you participate. Are you having a knowing where to post your web post comment or understanding what a good web post comment is?

Here is a plan that will help you! Your goal is to have STAR Web Post Comments. Hokey title, but maybe it will stick! Click here on the STAR Web Post Comments Idea Sheet under the Worksheets/Handouts tab for ideas for good comments that will receive credit. Be sure and check the syllabus every week for the topic for that week’s web post comment.

Here are some hints:

IMPORTANT: Make double dog sure you write your name in your web post the correct way. If your name/heading is not written correctly, you will not receive any credit for making the web post. Check an earlier syllabus for instructions on how to write your name.

Here’s what you do to post a web post comment:

  1. Click on the title of any web post from the week that I have made for your class.
  2. Scroll to the very bottom of it where it says “Leave a Reply” – you may have to scroll past comments from other people, but you can reply to those also!
  3. Enter your name exactly this way – First initial Last name Class period. Like this T Skinner C1. And then enter your email.
  4. Type in your comment (see the info above.)
  5. Type in the Anti Spam characters in the space provided.
  6. Click Post Comment and you are done!
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59 thoughts on “Web Post Comments & Ideas

  1. This week I have been struggling getting back into the routine of school. I am going to try to go to bed later so that I can wake up earlier.

    • So far I’ve been struggling with keeping up with all of the different things we have to know for each class, but I’ve helped myself by finishing my homework earlier in the week.

  2. Recently I’ve been struggling with getting back into my school routine and remembering to check canvas every night, but I’ve been helping myself remember by setting reminders on my phone and putting sticky notes on my homework binder.

  3. I am struggling with checking what all I have for the week in all of my classes. So, to help it I am going to navigate through canvas every night for 15 minutes.

  4. I am struggling getting back into the routine of school. I’m going to improve my routine by trying to go to sleep earlier. I’m going to also set reminders on my phone so I always have my assignments done.

  5. Ever since school started I have been struggling to remember what all I have for homework when I get home. To fix this I am going to buy a planner so I can keep track of all my assignments and stay more organized.

  6. Since we have gone back to school I have been struggling with the amount of work from each class and remembering/planning for tests, quizzes, and homework. I am working on getting a planner, pacing myself with studying, and using my time wisely.

  7. As everyone else has mentioned, I have also struggled with getting back into the swing of things. I’m also not used to having to check my syllabus for everything I need so remember that has been a bit difficult. Remembering the fact that I have homework isn’t as big of a problem as remembering that I shouldn’t procrastinate and that I just need to do it before I forget. To help with this I am going to start on school work first thing when I get home and set a reminder to check canvas or my syllabus.

  8. Throughout this week I have struggled badly with getting back in to the routine of school and everything that comes with it including homework and getting up early. To fix this problem I’m going to start going to bed earlier and do my best to stay on top of my homework.

  9. Since the beginning of school, I have struggled with starting homework on time so I don’t stay up late. Because of this, I have to have someone remind me, but I am going to try to be responsible on my own. I am going to try to remind myself to start my homework early and I will keep up with my planner to make sure that I won’t forget any assignments.

  10. This week I been struggling with having motivation to study and do my homework. I have gotten out of the habit of doing homework, so I have been procrastinating and not wanting to do it. To fix this, I have been making sure to check canvas every day and write all of my homework down in my calendar. I also need to start trying to do my homework as soon as I get home.

  11. This week I have struggled with getting back into the routine of school. I haven’t found the motivation to study for my first set of tests/quizzes, so I’m working on that. I’m defiantly not used to having to check all the syllabuses every day, so I’ll also be working on incorporating that into my schedule.

  12. This week I have struggled with waking up early. I have not been in the routine of doing this so it has been hard on me. I have dealt with this dilemma by going to sleep earlier.

  13. What I’ve been struggling with is keeping up with the tasks I need to accomplish. What im going to do about them is go top canvas and look and print out the syllabus.

  14. I struggle with Procrastinating and not being organized for school. I plan to fix this by telling my parents to take my devices until i get them done and that I am in the habit of doing them right when I get home.

  15. I struggle in balancing my school schedule with my social life outside of school. Instead of looking at homework for the day, I usually call my friends in a group chat to catch up on life. In order to combat this problem, I will set aside time for homework, usually after school around 4-5 p.m.

  16. One thing that I struggle the most with especially in school is waiting until last minuite to do schoolwork. Instead of doing things right away or when I should, I wait until all of my school work piles up and it overwhelms me. One thing I can do is finish my work the day it is given out to limit work pile up.

  17. This week I have struggled with an oranization system for certain classes homework, since it changes daily. It has also been hard getting back into the routine of working ahead rather than the night before. In order for this to be fixed, I understand I will need to start looking ahead for deadlines and being creative in finding a new system to keep track of things.

  18. This past week, I’ve been struggling with procrastination and forgetfulness. I have had a hard time getting myself used to going home and immediately knocking out my homework. I have decided to fix this by making myself work right when I get home and save leisurely time for later. I’ve also been using my reminders app on my phone a lot lately along with filling out my planner daily.

  19. I often struggle with school work piling up and stressing me out. This year I hope to find a better system to keep the stress down. Last year I struggled with remembering what to do for class, so this year I will make sure to read the syllabus thoroughly.

  20. Throughout this week, I have struggled with the independence Chemistry has given me. In past classes, I have become used to sitting and waiting for a teacher to explain step by step what we will be doing in class. However, in Chemistry we are expected to have and understand our syllabus. Even though this change may take some time to get fully accustomed to. I will set reminders on my phone to combat my dependence on others and keep myself organized.

  21. I have recently been struggling waking up so early for school and trying to be mentally prepared. What I’m going to do is go to bed earlier and Start waking up earlier. So when school starts I won’t be in a sleeping mood.

  22. Recently, I have been struggling with staying motivated while doing my homework. I find it very difficult after a long day of school and football practice to get home and almost immediately start my homework. I usually find other distractions before my homework that cause me to stay up late and feel tired during the day. To fix this problem, I’ve been trying to stay away from my phone until I’m done with my work and go to bed at a decently early time.

  23. Throughout this week and some of last week, I have been struggling with keeping schoolwork done after school and after-school sports. I get stressed out and anxious if I have a lot of work unfinished and I have no plan on what to do. This has already happened once this week, and I had to stay up late. To resolve this problem, I have gotten an agenda so I can keep my schoolwork planned out after football and school. With this, I should be able to keep myself below a certain level of stress and maybe even have some time for myself. I can also sleep a little longer hopefully with all this.

  24. This week, I have struggled with motivational energy for school and extracurricular activities. Getting back into the flow of things after summer vacation has been a challenge. I’m tired and not ready to take on my new responsibilities as a sophomore, but I know that as I grow older and mature in my age, I have to learn to cope with these academic and mental obstacles. These obstacles would include time management, social skills, and adept learning abilities. Throughout all of this, I know I can begin fixing this problem by stepping back to take a breather, staying focused through the times of procrastination, and most of all remember my strength comes from the God of the Universe.

  25. This week has been a struggle. Having to keep up and check all the syllabus daily has been rough on top on getting back on the correct sleep schedule and get all my homework and studying done when I get home and also blocking out all other distractions I have.

  26. This week I have struggled with reading the board whenever I first walk into class. I’m learning to get in that habit as the week goes on. For me, it is sometimes difficult to get into a habit that is new. What I have learned to do is write a note in my binder that tells me to look at the board first thing.

  27. This week I have struggled with getting on top of things and starting the school year off strong. I have also struggled with motivation to get my school work done first thing and not procrastinate and do it at the last minute. I am going to work on staying on top of things and set a reminder on my phone right after school to get my school work done before I do anything else like go on my phone or scroll online to distract me.

  28. This week I have struggled with reading the board whenever I first walk into class. I’m learning to get in that habit as the week goes on. For me, it is sometimes difficult to get into a habit that is new. What I have learned to do is write a note in my binder that tells me to look at the board first thing.

  29. This week i have been struggling with getting back in my routine of school. To fix that, i have been going to sleep earlier and trying to stay on top of homework.

  30. This week i have been struggling with getting back in my routine of school. To fix that, i have been going to sleep earlier and trying to stay on top of homework.

  31. This week I’ve been waiting till the last minute for my homework and to study for quizzes and tests. I’ve been in a bad habit of not caring so much about my grades and that’s a major thing that I want to change this year for myself. Therefore, I want to fix this problem by pushing myself to get my work and studying done before even touching my phone. I also recently downloaded an app that keeps my homework, quizzes and tests in order for their due date and which class it’s for which has helped me greatly so far this year!

  32. This week I have been struggling with various things; however, my main struggle has been remembering everything that is due and what homework I have. It also does not help that summer has made me fall out of routine when it comes to school. I am trying to write down everything I have for homework to help me not forget to do any assignment I might have forgotten. Since I have been doing this, it has helped me stay organized and not lose anything. I struggled with this because I am very forgetful ,but writing everything down has helped me not forget anything that I normally would have.

  33. This week I have been struggling mostly with figuring out how to navigate all the new websites and how to turn in homework online. I have been trying to explore canvas and the class website to help make it easier to do things online.

  34. This week I struggled with procrastination and doing my homework late at night. To do better I will stop doing things at the last minute. Also, I have started writing all my assignments down so that I can remember what I have to do that night.

  35. This week my main struggle has been trying to manage my time well after school. To help myself get better at this I will try my best to do my homework right when I get home from school rather than waiting until later in the night. This past week I have been writing my assignments down as I receive them instead of figuring out all of my homework after I leave school. So far, this system has helped me a ton.

  36. One thing that I struggle the most with especially in school is waiting until last minuite to do schoolwork. Instead of doing things right away or when I should, I wait until all of my school work piles up and it overwhelms me. One thing I can do is finish my work the day it is given out to limit work pile up.

  37. Ever since school started, I’ve been struggling with getting up in the mornings. Me personally I’m not a morning person; so, I’m actually a night owl. It doesn’t help that I’m not used to being an organized person. Which is why every year I have to get help to get organized.

  38. This week my main struggle has been keeping up with all my school work and managing my time. In the future, I will start to keep a planner and manage my time around my school rather than around my personal schedule.

  39. This week, my main struggle has been trying to juggle school work and time with sports. This upcoming week I plan on making an agenda for times to do my school work between practices and games.

  40. This week I think one thing I struggled with was being out of school because I was sick. I think when I return next week it will take a lot of catching up to get to where I should be. i hope it doesn’t show in my grades.

  41. This week I have struggled with waking up early in the morning and staying awake during school. What I will do to overcome this is by going to bed earlier and getting more rest.

  42. This week I struggled with balancing school and football. This is because we get home at 7 every night. To fix this I will complete more if my homework in study hall so I have less of a homework load after football.

  43. I struggle greatly with always waiting till the last minute to do any of my assignments for school. This week however I listened in class a lot better then I usually do! This week I learned that if I continue to wait to do my assignments, it will only stress me out more and more. I would rate myself a 3 star because I have made some very excellent grades for all my classes because I paid more attention to the lessons that my teachers were giving me and I have been on a better sleep schedule. The only question I have about content or class format is why is class so boring to others but exciting for me almost everyday?

  44. I struggle greatly with always waiting till the last minute to do any of my assignments for school. This week however I listened in class a lot better then I usually do! This week I learned that if I continue to wait to do my assignments, it will only stress me out more and more. I would rate myself a 3 star because I have made some very excellent grades for all my classes because I paid more attention to the lessons that my teachers were giving me and I have been on a better sleep schedule. The only question I have about content or class format is why is class so boring to others but exciting for me almost everyday?

  45. Although it is only Monday, I have already triumphed in many ways this week. Most of my test/quizzes this week are on Tuesday or Wednesday, so I went ahead and got all my studying done to avoid having to study for hours the night before. This will help reduce any future stress and catch up on lost sleep from the sophomore retreat!

  46. This week I have triumphed getting all of my homework done. I have gotten a planner and have worked hard making sure that its all completed and ready to turn in!

  47. This week I have triumphed in many ways. One of those ways includes doing well on my first chemistry quiz. I have also gotten better about organizing my time so that I am able to do all of my homework without stress. I have also begun waking up earlier in the morning so that I do not feel as tired when i first arrive at school. This allows me to focus more on my work and achieve more at school!

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