Physics 8-30-22 Cars, Swimmers, & Emily, etc., Velocity Problems

PHYSICS: Great job thinking through the problems today! Here’s a look at the cars from #38, the swimmers, and Emily.

Remember a few things: You weren’t born knowing how to do these – give yourself a little time. On the really good ones, just one formula won’t work – begin with writing what your know. These are some of the hardest problems we’ll work in physics – not because the formulas are hard, but because knowing how to reason through them is so challenging.

You are doing a great job! Some good advice – go work them again! I promise, it will be good for you. Remember, don’t open the solutions you wrote in your notes! Try them without it!! If you have to, peek, but then don’t stop until you can work the entire problem through without looking!

Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 8-30-22 Finding Relationships Between Data

HON CHEMISTRY – You’ve learned to gather the “pieces of the puzzle”, now it’s time to put them together so they can have meaning! Here’s our overview of direct and inverse proportions and a quickish review of graphs. Just brief info for the test for now, and we’ll put it to practice in a couple of activities after the test.

Speaking of putting things together, how’d you do with the density homework. We hit some of the bigger problems today after our discussion of graphs.

So we finished the chapter today! Ready for the test? As you study, remember, don’t just read your notes – practice your notes, practice the problems, practice the memorization!! By the way have you had a chance to check out the Chapter 2 Stuff to Know sheet and the chapter 2 study suggestions sheet? They are under the Test Info tab.

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Chemistry 8-30-22 #13 – 16, Cobra Venom, Water & Conversion Factor Problems

CHEMISTRY: How are you doing with some of the longer conversion factor problems? Remember, you’re not just trying to get an answer. Most importantly, you are learning to express a logical progression of thought – from one unit to another. I think I see you getting way better at it! Keep practicing until you can do it by yourself with no help!!

Here are all the ones from the homework #13 – 16.

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash