Chemistry 5-10-22 Electron Configuration Notation & Blocks of the Periodic Table

CHEMISTRY: Wow! You learned a lot today! Don’t we serve an awesome God?!? You probably knew the periodic table was really organized, but did you realize that it was THAT organized? Awesome!

Then, just when you were getting the hang of drawing arrows, I go and change it! But don’t you think writing electron configuration notation is a whole lot shorter than doing orbital notation? Don’t get me wrong, knowing how to do orbital is great for seeing how the electrons are paired, but this way is waaaay shorter!

Be sure and practice with the homework tonight, and don’t forget to use the Aufbau “chart”!!!!

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 5-10-22 Intermolecular Forces & Ionic Bonding

HON CHEMISTRY: So how ’bout Johannes van der Waals and those intermolecular forces? Tons of application, from bugs walking on water to little fishes breathing dissolved oxygen. And what about the condensation that forms on the outside of an iced tea glass? Hmmm….

And then on to a different way that atoms come together – ionic bonding.

Keep in mind that when you write ionic bonding, you’re not trying to arrange a single structure like you do with Lewis structures. Instead, you’re writing an equation that shows electrons being lost by one atom and gained by another atom. And make sure you put the dots in the right order!

Image Source Gaurawa at