Lost in the Issaouane Sand Sea – The Last Night!!!

I’m praying for you as you finalize your project. I believe in you! You can do it!!!

Here are a few hints and advice – lots more great stuff is on the Final Notes & Advice sheet under the Project tab!

1. Make sure you internally document everything! That includes anything you talk about. Also, make sure your illustrations have an internal documentation typed/written on them. (Yes, you have to have illustrations! If you don’t something’s wrong.)

2. As a chemist, you must talk about all 23 items – why they would be good to use or why you would not want to use them. NEVER say you had no use for the item. You will not get credit if you do.

3. Don’t wait to do your Works Cited page last. Do it before you finish the final draft of your paper. It takes a while to compile a Works Cited and if you don’t have one, I cannot accept your paper. It would be better to have a few mistakes in your paper than to not turn in a Works Cited.

4. Save as you go! Go ahead and save a copy of your latest rough draft in your Shared folder – label it rough draft for now. This way, if something happens in your drive or if your computer crashes at the last minute, I’ll be able to see that you have been working on your paper.

5. Get someone that you trust to read over your paper and check it against the project guideline sheet that I gave you – especially the Manuscript Form Checklist. They’ll be able to help you find things you might have left off.

The mic didn’t work last Thursday when we had our Q & A, but I’ve posted a vodcast from last year that will be a great resource for you – especially if you were absent Thursday. Different location, but the way you will research and write your paper is the same. I’ve posted it below.

You can do great things! I believe in you and I can’t wait to read your paper!

Image by Walter Frehner from Pixabay

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23 thoughts on “Lost in the Issaouane Sand Sea – The Last Night!!!

  1. I learned from the project that trying ur best to do something and working hard at it helps in life and it taught me to be more responsible and get things done early and not waiting at the last minute to do things

  2. I learned how to better manage my time. We had the project and other school work at the same time and at time this could become very stressful but I think I handled it pretty well. God taught me to use to gifts that I am given to do things that I might not exactly be the best at.

  3. I learned that starting early and not procrastinating help me be stress free. God taught me through this project that not everything in life is going to be easy, but you have to push through no matter what and not give up.

  4. This project taught me to think deeper and find new creative ways to use simple household items and even chemicals we’ve talked about in class. God taught me that life will be stressful, but I can lean on Him and tell him my problems and concerns. I’m not alone in my stress.

  5. I learned that an item by itself has a use but when paired with another item, can have a greater and better purpose. God taught me to be pacient through this project and it allowed me to finish the project without stress.

  6. I learned from the project to be creative and think outside the box. Also to not procrastinate. God taught me that not everything is going to be perfect and to persevere through it.

  7. I learned from the project that doing hard things helps me to grow. This project challenged me, but I knew I was capable because “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I learned more about giving my best effort and that might not be perfection-but that is okay.

  8. I learned many important skills I can take later into life. God taught me to pray to him to help me manage my progress throughout the project. He taught to give all my anxieties to him. Make sure to always do your best and be productive.

  9. I have learned that being able to manage time is a valuable skill to have under your belt. God has taught me that time is very precious and you need to use it wisely. He especially taught me that through the project.

    • I have learned that being able to manage time is a valuable skill to have under your belt. God has taught me that time is very precious and you need to use it wisely. He especially taught me that through the project.

  10. I learned from this project that working hard actually pays off in the end, no matter how hard I stress about whatever I’m doing. God taught me to just stop stressing myself so much and just trust him, and ask him to guide me.

  11. Something I learned throughout this project was that procrastination is not always going to be an option and I feel like now I will do better to not do that. God taught me that even though I was stressed and worried I knew I was in His hands and he helped me to stay more calm so I could have my project done on time!

  12. I learned that a single item by its self can be used in many ways or can do many things. God taught me threw this lab to stay calm and don’t worry that as long as we believe we can get through anything with him.

  13. A lesson that I learned during this project was managing time to where I can get my work done and skills that I could use later in life for safety. God taught me that although the project was stressful, He has me under control and helped me to finish and do everything I needed to on time.

  14. A lesson that I learned from this project was that it’s important to manage time wisely. I noticed that the people that didn’t create a schedule for working on the project were more stressed than the ones that put aside a set amount of time everyday. God taught me that through trials and hardships, you must stay calm and don’t worry about the future and just focus on what is presently happening.

  15. I learned how to manage my time and I learned how to approach big projects like this for me personally. God taught me that I should trust him and stay calm, but also use my own talents, and everything eventually worked out.

  16. From this project I learned how to work hard but not work myself to where I couldn’t work anymore. I was able to work as hard as I could without burning myself out. I could work for hours on end and then take a break so that after that break I could come back and try my hardest again

  17. From the project, I learned that hard things can be achievable even when they feel unachievable. Also God taught me that all I have to do is ask and he’ll help me through difficult situations.

  18. I learned from the project that I need to use my time more wisely and that taking my time is not the way to get something done. God tonight me that there are always obstacles and things in the way, the answer is to overcome what is in the way.

  19. A lesson I learned from this project is to control my time well. I’m really glad I didn’t end up staying up late on this project and I’m happy with my project. I also realized I stressed and made this project out harder to be than it actually was, but I am glad I got it done correctly and on time. God teaches me to not be stressed about little things like the project and I ended up not stressing the last week and still getting it done. He helped me not procrastinate like I usually do.

  20. I learned during the project that hard work will always pay off. You can not wait till the last minute to work on something. God taught me through this project that he will always help you push through hardships.

  21. This project taught me to do well on everything and to start ahead.
    Also do a lot of research on topics. God taught me to use my abilities with the things I have and be grateful.

  22. I learned during this project that no matter how hard it may seem, it can be done if you work hard enough, and you don’t give up. God taught me that you should never give up, and you should persevere through whatever circumstances you have.

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